[hider=Lawrence Kennedy][hr][hr] [hider=Kennedy's Car][img] http://media.gtanet.com/images/7837-bobcatxl.jpg [/img] [indent][b]Type:[/b] Bobcat XL [b]Plate Number:[/b] TNT-1202[/indent][/hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jCPrHog.png[/img][/center] [b][color=lightgray]IAAPDB[/color][/b][right][b][color=lightgray]PROFILE ID: 7Y8831NU [/color][/b] [/right] [h3][sup][color=steelblue][u][B]P R O F I L E I N F O R M A T I O N[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/xpKuj5k.png?1[/img] [indent][color=lightgray]SURNAME[/color] [indent][color=limegreen]【[/color] Kennedy [color=limegreen]】[/color][/indent] [color=lightgray]FIRST NAME[/color] [indent][color=limegreen]【[/color] Lawrence [color=limegreen]】[/color][/indent][/indent] [INDENT][color=lightgray]ALIAS (ES)[/color] [indent]Jawa [/indent] [color=lightgray]DATE OF BIRTH[/color] [indent] January 11th, 1992 [/indent] [color=lightgray]CLASSIFICATION[/color] [indent] [color=DC143C]CONSIDERED DANGEROUS[/color][/indent] [color=lightgray]AFFILIATIONS[/color] [indent][color=lightgray]PRESUMED:[/color] The Syndicate, Vice Lords [/indent] [color=lightgray]STATUS[/color] [indent][color=limegreen]ALIVE[/color][/indent][/indent] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/LlCL61u.png[/img][hr][h3] [sup][color=steelblue][u][B]P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][indent] [color=lightgray][u]RACE[/u][/color] African American [color=lightgray][u]SEX[/u][/color] Male [color=lightgray][u]APPARENT AGE[/u][/color] 25 [color=lightgray][u]HEIGHT[/u][/color] Approx: 6’01” [color=lightgray][u]WEIGHT[/u][/color] Approx: 187lbs. [color=lightgray][u]HAIR LENGTH[/u][/color] BUZZED [color=lightgray][u]HAIR COLOR[/u][/color] BLK [color=lightgray][u]EYE COLOR[/u][/color] HZL [color=lightgray][u]SKIN TONE[/u][/color] BLK [color=lightgray][u]ADDITIONAL NOTES[/u][/color] [indent][list][*] Has the Army Ranger’s logo tattooed on his right shoulder blade. [/list][/indent][/indent] [h3] [sup][color=steelblue][u][B]P S Y C H E V A L[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][indent] [color=lightgray][u]DESTRUCTIVE[/u]?[/color] N [color=lightgray][u]DANGEROUS[/u]?[/color] Y [color=lightgray][u]UNDER SURVEILLANCE[/u]?[/color] N [color=lightgray][u]PRIORITY[/u]?[/color] [color=yellow]Yellow[/color] [color=lightgray][u]ADDITIONAL NOTES[/u][/color] [indent] We’ve been able to gather very little information on Lawrence Kennedy, though what we do have suggests he’s totally jaded to most forms of violence. It is unclear if this comes from his background with violent gangs or his tours in Afghanistan. It should be noted that he was the head of an IED disposal team in both tours and is a certified bomb technician. Direct confrontation is not advised. We’ve accessed some of his official records, and he has both concealed and open carry permits, and is licensed to own most types of firearms.[/indent][/indent] [h3] [sup][color=steelblue][u][B]H I S T O R Y[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][indent] [color=lightgray][u]KNOWN FAMILY[/u][/color] [indent] Jermarr Kennedy (brother) [color=limegreen]ALIVE[/color] Jason Kennedy (father) [color=limegreen]ALIVE[/color] Martha Kennedy (mother) [color=crimson]DEAD[/color] [/indent] [color=lightgray][u]KNOWN RESIDENCE[/u][/color] 0184 Milton Road, Apartment 17 [color=lightgray][u]ADDITIONAL NOTES[/u][/color] [indent] There’s very little on the books about this guy. Ex-Army Ranger, honorably discharged in 2014, Army Distinguished Service Cross recipient. All we’ve been able to gather on Kennedy’s criminal character is through unreliable sources, though these sources have stated that he’s a rising arms dealer and demolitions expert. Military history logs have been requested. This source has also mentioned that he was inducted into the Syndicate following his return from his second tour of Afghanistan, which ended in 2014. Rumors state that he conducted a hit against a Vice Lords admin before he left Chicago for Los Santos, though there is a mysterious lack of evidence to support the claim. Legally, his nose is clean. He’s been spotted working security at Helmsley Tower on a regular basis. Kennedy is unlikely to be employed there because of gang relations, the entire security force is Ex-Military, and he sits high on the ladder in this regard. [/indent][/indent] [h3] [sup][color=steelblue][u][B]C R I M I N A L R E C O R D A N D K N O W N I M A G E S[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][indent] 07/04/2007 Pawnee, Illinois. Underage Alcohol Consumption (Paid fine: $50) 08/13/2007 Chicago, Illinois. Vandalism (24hrs. community service + cleaning up damages) 04/21/2015 Los Santos, California. Illegally Parked Vehicle (Paid fine: $150) [hider=Life Invader Profile Photo][img] https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwNjc2MzU1MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTgzOTA5NDE@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [/img][/hider][/indent][h3] [sup][color=steelblue][u][B]O F F T H E R E C O R D[/b] [/u][/color][/sup][/h3][indent][color=lightgray][u]CHARACTER'S DIALOGUE COLOR[/u][/color] [b][color=tan]TAN[/color][/b] [color=lightgray][u]FACE CLAIM'S NAME[/u][/color] Damion Poitier [color=lightgray][u]CHARACTER'S RANK IN ORGANIZATION[/u][/color] KNIGHT [/indent][/hider] We needed more Ex-Military in the Syndicate. And Helmsley Tower needs a competent security force, after all. [@lovely complex][@Silent Observer][@Universorum]