[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Kobayakawa Yumi [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://safebooru.org//images/1787/04cfe29aca47d8461c23362f8fb94174469e99f6.png?1869516]"I don't appreciate being snuck up on. Hmph."[/url] Yumi's pretty short. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Yumi is a surly and aggressive girl. Irritable and with a mind directed at success, Yumi is quick to criticize and deride others for their perceived failings. She has a domineering attitude and dislikes those who try and disobey her when she feels she as a better handle on the situation then everyone else(which is always), but can easily become flustered or embarrassed if she finds herself in any remotely awkward situation. This includes things like simply being approached too closely, which can result in a a sudden flustered, defensive switch. Yumi is extremely proud of her capabilities as a magus, her pride second only to her tempermental nature. However, she is not completely heartless even if she is a rather abrasive person. Beneath her outer shell of insults and complaints, there can be found a girl who cares deeply for those who could be considered her allies, and who detests backstabbing wholeheartedly. A magus can succeed upon their own merits, without betraying others, in her mind. A magus who feels the need to backstab others in order to find their way to success is simply a failure as a magus who cannot stand upon their own two feet. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Yumi's affinity is air. As a result, she has several spells relating to this affinity. One particular nasty one can cause the explosion of an undefended target's lungs, but she's reluctant to use this spell and rarely is a target in such pressing need of death undefended from such interference. Aside from a basic ability to construct bounded fields and other such utility and offense spells, Yumi uses two chief items in the course of practicing her magecraft.[list][*][u]Familiars:[/u] Yumi utilizes a variety of familiars. Chief among these is [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1966/bb076e521333767ab47e973bfc6bc6f2a1aba485.jpg?2051803]Ichineko[/url], the unimaginatively-named cat familiar whom she first created as a test of her usage of the Kobayakawa family's knowledge. Seemingly lazy and somewhat playful, Ichineko is swift to jump to her creator's aid whenever it is required. Ichineko is quite fast, and in either form can produce extremely sharp claws as well as eject a burst of prana from the center of her body, targeted at enemies. She has a high level of regenerative capabilities, but is easily disabled and injured. Other familiars include butterflies as scouts and a snail that has 'No practical use'. [*][u]Mystic Code-Hundred Lance:[/u] A set of one hundred razor sharp needles that can easily, and deeply, pierce soft targets, Yumi can control and fire these needles utilizing her affinity for air. After piercing a target, or missing, Yumi can also retrieve these needles. However, barriers and armor can easily deflect this mystic code. Still, it can function as a distraction, seeming like a hundred tiny lances suddenly homing in on a target.[/list] [*][u][b]History:[/b][/u] Yumi was born to the Kobayakawa magus family, a family skilled in a number of different magecraft techniques, including the manufacturing and deployment of familiars. Yumi was, of course, an only child, and therefore inherited her family's crest without difficulty. She was trained in her family's arts religiously, and an early test was the creation of a familiar. Using the body of a recently deceased cat, a family pet who had died, and the soul of a young girl who had suffered from illness and death. By uniting these, Yumi produced her first personal familiar. Since then she has created several others for utility purposes, such as a set of butterflies used as scouts, but her cat has remained her chief familiar. When her family was contacted, they elected to send Yumi as a test of her capabilities as a magus. [*][u][b]Other:[/b][/u] N/A[/list] So redoing some things. Althienna is getting replaced with this girl.