In theory, Arys replied to Drasil, so unless Templar is posting, there's really no reason for [@LadyRunic] not to post again before you do, [@FallenTrinity]. Your character isn't in that scene. As long as we keep them roughly on the same time frame, they don't have to be so rigid on order (in my opinion). It's a bit hard to keep two posts in between posts by the same person for a given scene with so few in the scene. Really, I don't think there's much danger of things running away on one end and leaving the other in the dust, not at our current record. If anything, this might let things move a bit better. I keep thinking it's died. ^.^ In fact, for Max and the kiddo, it's not possible to have two posts between, unless Feoras shows up. And I doubt he will, what with being otherwise occupied and all.