[h1][center][color=orange]Zectoll[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [i]Day 4: [/i] [color=A9A9A9]"But you have proven yourself the stronger fighter this time. Now it is time to rest and it seemed our hidden brother has found something of value."[/color] Zectoll smiled widely as Lomen patted him on the head. [color=orange] Indeed, two new abilities I have gained, abilities I feel will be critical in the coming days.[/color] Zectoll was filled with a feeling of growth, as he had made another step towards realizing his goal of defeating the Great Black Wolf who ruled the northern mountains. [b]Adrenaline surge[/b] would allow him to narrow the gap of speed and power between himself and the Wolf, and [b]Counterstrike[/b] would enable him to avoid grave injury while also fighting back against the great beast. Though he still had much work to do in developing himself, the fact that he was taking steps each day to fulfill his goal made him feel a sense of confidence and purpose. He followed Lomen over to see what was going on with these stones, though with each step his eyes became heavier. [color=orange] Your endurance knows no bounds brother[/color] Zectoll yawned as he watched Lomen working to get more of this special stone out of the wall. Stones and rocks did not interest him much, and he was completely wore out from the duel. [color=orange]I am going to sleep, I will learn of your special stones when I awaken. Don't work too hard, for we shall hunt once more tomorrow.[/color] Zectoll sauntered off to his corner of the cave, curled up into a ball and went soundly too sleep. [hider=Goblins] [@The 4 winds][/hider]