[@Necroes][@Wraithblade6][@Hank][@DepressedSoviet][@BCTheEntity][@Bright_Ops][@Klomster] I'll get an update in today, but just a quick thing; there isn't any sign of Imperial ships as-of-yet - so everyone's posts going on about Imperial vessels/battlebarges/whatever are factually incorrect at the moment. While Outpost 3-12/19 will likely have called for reinforcement(s), you are all probably closer to the Hulk than any other assistance. In fact it's likely that you're all the only ships there; that being the [i]Rigged Fortune[/i], Lucius' city-killing experiment ship, Urgrugg's band of cutthroats and the [i]-chip[/i]. More are incoming, but currently you are alone except for each other.