[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/09b5ee75-abd2-49a9-9516-e387b36a9d1f.png[/img][/center] ”[color=fff200][i]Goooooooooood morning world! I’m your host Eric Blyton! [indent]Over the past 6 months our panel of dedicated judges have been roaming each and every American state in search of one thing, talent. Over this time they’ve selected 24 of the country’s most talented teenagers, all showing great potential in one art or another. We’ll give them specialist training in their art as well equip them for their future in the spotlight. We will be assisting them in thriving and gaining status. But with their image and the prize of $100,000 on top of a guarantee to display their art in front of thousands on the line will they live up to fame? Burnout? Or crash under the pressure? [/indent][/I][/color] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3B5mKDkxbmu7F_4P9s91gF5dK2VVlfrOo5OCYCsAQSM0gAmillC22maa0[/img][/center] [b]Got your interest? Here’s a brief aimed more toward participants[/b] Over the past 6 months three high-statused celebrities have been holding auditions over the country to find the artistic prodigies of America. You’re one of them, you talented teen! Over the next few months you’ll be living together in fame manor here you’ll take regularly scheduled classes in your art. You’ll get publicity, opportunities to display your art and paparazzi. But because fame isn’t enough pressure after the first 2 weeks each competitor will have the chance to display their art weekly. From there each panel member will give you a score out of 10. The 4 lowest-scoring competitors will rely on the people of the country to keep them in the competition. The two with the most votes are safe and the other 2 unfortunates have to leave Fame Manor and their chance of winning $100,000 and a guaranteed opportunity to display their art in a professional setting to thousands! [center][h2]Here’s how it works[/h2] [h3]Eliminations:[/h3][/center] [hider=Eliminations] Yes, characters are eliminated and your most probably will. If you have a problem with this this is not a roleplay for you. No we have that settled to the point of this hider. Now these characters are chosen at random. When your character is accepted I will give a number to place on the upper left corner of your CS (please ensure you do this). Dice rolls will determine who is eliminated and GMs will determine the two who stay. Dice rolls will be done on RPG so you can verify there’s not cheating or favouritism or whatever. (You can see who’s eliminated before the post goes up too but what fun is that?) [b]What do I do when I have no characters left in the running?[/b] When all your characters are eliminated you have 2 options; 1. Leave the IC completely until your character is called back for some reason if they are (all characters may have the opportunity to return for the final but that’s something that I’ll consider closer to that point) and just lurk or whatever it is you want to do (feel completely free to stay active in the OOC) or; 2. Continue in the IC as NPC/side characters (it takes a whole crew to run a reality TV program!) [b]Are there any exceptions from the system?[/b] The only exceptions to this system is if; 1. Both of a RPers characters are eliminated in the same round, a reroll will be mad to replace the second character rolled. The only point both of a RPers characters can be rolled at once is hen e get to the final 4. 2. A RPer decides they want (or have to) leave the RP/withdraw a character and have no intention to (or can’t) surrender their character to another RPer (this is another case that both of a RPers characters can be eliminated at once). Your remaining characters will be eliminated at the next elimination (unless you cause them to do something reckless and rule-breaking to get them kicked out, which I personally think will be much more entertaining and fun, either ay they’d be counted as eliminated) [/hider] [center][h3]co-GMs[/h3][/center] I need two awesome co-GMs to assist in the smooth running of the RP, they're just as worthy a source as me as far as query answering goes :). On top of that they will also play judge each and assist in the elimination round stuff. I promise I don't bite... usually. [h3]What I'm Looking For In Participants[/h3] [hider=Participants] [list][*] interest (duh!) [*] Preferably play 2 characters but if you want to play one that's fine [*] I'd like a nice mix of male and female, it doesn't have to be completely even but I'd like at least a few if both! [*] About two well-written paragraphs per a character per a post, however, I understand sometimes one paragraph is all that's possible in some situations but generally I'd prefer at least 2. [*] Activity in the IC (and preferably in the OOC too. I don't bite, I swear! (She says while Love Bites (So Do I) by Halestorm is stuck in her head XD) I understand sometimes life makes it difficult and too hard to do stuff and if that's the case there's no problem! Ish happens [*] No making your characters perfect at every art. Yes, people are multitalented but can we please not have, let's say, an actor who also is stated to be more talented than all the singers and dancers in their own area. No. Now the said actor can display a skill in vocal and dance, no problem, but not to the standard of people who's core area it is. No stating your character is better than the rest in an area, however, the character can state so if their egotistical or proud or whatever. [*]Enjoy yourself! Seriously, have fun. Let your characters go crazy, run riot and have fun! These are teens allowed to focus on what they love in a bigass mansion. Seriously, as long as you comply with the rules have fun with it![/list] [/hider] [h3]Rules [/h3] I know, boring, but we gotta have them [hider=rules] ~ Save the drama for the OC ~ No god-modding, overpowered or unnaturally- over-the-top skilled characters ~ romance is allowed but sexual scenes are to either be fade-to-black or done by PM. ~ Keep it PG-13 please. ~ Feel free to bring in NPCs, they don't need a form, just work some description of them into your first post using them ~ The 'main' parts should be reserved before you make a form to lower the chance of disappointment, I'll keep the first post updated for easy finding :). After you reserve your character you'll have 5 days to post your form but I'm willing to extend this if you can't do so in the time for good reason (but I can only hold it off for so long) - Forms to be posted in OOC for approval ~ The most important thing- enjoy yourself ^-^. I'm not a very strict GM and I'm quite in easygoing person, I won't kick you out go off at you unless absolutely necessary, ask anyone in chat, I'm not a scary person ;) (but they'll probably say I am now 'cus I wrote this XD) [/hider] [h3]CS Form [/h3] [hider=CS forms] [code][hider=Character Name] [color=your choice][center][h1]CHARACTER'S NAME[/h1] [img]Insert your character's picture here[/img] [i]A quote [b]-Author of quote[/b][/i][/center][/color] [center][h2]Basic Info[/h2][/center] [color=???][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Write full name here[/indent] [color=???][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]12-18 unless arrangements are made with a GM/co-GM[/indent] [color=???][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Write gender here[/indent] [color=???][b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual etc[/indent] [color=???][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Go more in depth with their appearance. Give us an idea of what they wear too.[/indent] [ hr][center] [img]Insert another picture or gif here if you have one. [/img] [i]"A character quote (Optional)"[/i][/center] [ hr] [center][h2]Inner Workings Of The Mind[/h2][/center] [color=???][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]You don't have to give us every detail of their personality but an idea if what they're like in at least a paragraph. Make sure you give your character negative traits as well as positive ones[/indent] [color=???][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]At least 3 [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]At least 3 [*] [*][/list][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Not necessarily a phobia[/indent] [ hr] [center][img]Another picture/gif if you have one[/img] '[i]"Character quote (optional if you don't have a picture)"[/i][/center] [ hr] [color=???][b][u]Strengths[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]At least 3 [*] [*][/list][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]At least 3 [*] [*][/list][/indent] [color=???][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent]At least 2 paragraphs [/indent] [ hr] [center][img]Another picture or a gif if you have one[/img] [i]"Another character quote"[/i][/center][ hr] [center][h2][/h2][/center] [color=???][b][u]Talent[/u][/b][/color] What talent was your character accepted in for? [color=???][b][u]Audition Summary[/u][/b][/color] Remember only 24 of thousands were accepted, leave a little summary of what your character's audition was like, maybe even what made them stand out [color=???][b][u]Miscellaneous/extra[/u][/b][/color] [center][img]You know the drill :P[/img] [i]"Character quote here if you have one.[/i][/center] [/hider][/code] [/hider] [center][h1]Parts[/h1][/center] [hider][center][h1]Parts [/h1][/center] [b]Host:[/b] Eric Blyton [hider][center][IMG]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrwW5gD0oGjepT0VrQWnb1TQnHpGHFrNiSauQILgZ4WnoWjoxjs56nJpdQ[/IMG][/center][/hider] [i]faceclaim: Jesse Williams[/i] ~ [i][color=fff200]Color: fff200[/color] [/i] ~ [@SouffleGirl123] [b]Judges [/b] [list][*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [@SouffleGirl123] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [/list] [color=red]This section is full [/color] [b]Participants[/b] [list][*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i][@SouffleGirl123] [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i] [*] [i]Character name [/i]~[i] Faceclaim [/i]~[i] color[/i] ~ [i]RPer username [/i][/list][/hider]