[@Leslie Hall] I totally understand, as it is my fault for not turning off the waffle iron sooner. If it comes down to it, I am perfectly fine with tuning down this version to an A rank if need be. [@Indra] and [@Denny] you fellas should rip into this one too. [hider=Albert Faust] [u][h1][color=slategray]Librarium Registration Card[/color][/h1] [/u] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2a/9b/3b/2a9b3bfc5fffd16c980f51e617c92d1b.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][color=slategray]Personality[/color][/h3] [sub]A perfectionist in just about every sense of the word, Albert firmly believes in the power of planning and sticks rigidly to strategies and fallback strategies that he devises. And although he is generally calm and collected, he has proven time and again to actually have a very short fuse when things go catastrophically away from plan. But as long as things are going on track, he is rather cordial and polite to both ally and enemy alike. This changes once he starts fighting though, as he is very much so a combat pragmatist and has few qualms about using every advantage available to him. As one would expect from such a man, Albert is incredibly analytical and meticulous, almost to the point of obsession. If given the chance, he will personally calculate and measure every minute detail of a scenario before acting, although even he is aware that such an opportunity will likely never come. This goes one step further, as the Library Hunter spends far more time keeping his quarters immaculate than one ever should. Juno help you if you track so much as a grain of dirt into his sanctuary. And while not overly religious himself, he still believes in the Librarium’s message of advancement and promise of order. To him, the freedom the Sky Pirates preach about can only lead to anarchy and violence, as people need order to stay together. But at the same time, he is not blind to the corruption and abuse of power that runs rampant in the outskirts of civilization, with such displays being one of the few things that can make him trade in his politeness for a sharp tongue and barely contained fury. And with such a strong sense of justice, even Albert wonders sometimes catches himself wondering if he truly is one the right side.[/sub] [center][i]“[color=slategray] The most beautiful sentence ever conceived by man only contains four words: All according to plan.[/color]”[/i][/center] | [color=slategray]Name:[/color] | [indent][i]Faust, Albert[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]Alias|Nickames|Titles:[/color] | [indent][i]The Hero of Velen, Albert of the Thousand Blades[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]G e n d er:[/color] | [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]R a n k:[/color] | [indent][i]S[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]Age:[/color] | [indent][i]24[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]Sector :[/color] | [indent][i]Library Hunter, Saint[/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]History:[/color] | [indent][i]The Faust name is not one that is held in the brightest of lights. A family of wealthy entrepreneurs, the Faust line has always had a history of gaining the most when those around them lose much. When the Decretius Librarium usurped the throne, it was the Faust family that survived the ensuing chaos and came up near the top, having been handsomely rewarded for helping the church’s bid for supremacy. And thus, for over a century the name has been associated with greed and power. Enter Albert Faust, fourth son of the current head of the family. His time with his family was brief, as he exhibited a potential for magic at the early age of 8 years old and was taken in by the Librarium. Many suspected one that had been spoiled by such a luxurious lifestyle wouldn’t make it far in the church, but Albert would go on to show that not only did he have potential, but also a talent for magic. But that didn’t mean life within the church was easy for him, as he noticed out of the corner of his eye the looks of disdain others had for him. By the time he was 18, Albert was offered a number of cushy positions within the church due to his family’s name, but the young mage insisted on becoming a Library Hunter for reasons that he refused to disclose. His first few years as a Library Hunter went by without much recognition for him, but his skill at magic was honed by the countless close brushes with death that came his way as he traversed the unforgiving landscape below Pandora. In fact, not many even knew of the estranged son of one of the most prominent figures of the land. That is until the day that a 21 year old Albert showed up in Velen. Facts regarding the incident are murky, but the prevailing story that the Librarium supports is that Albert singlehandedly subjugated a rogue Sky Pirate Guild that had been extorting the small town of Velen. And for his heroic feat, the mage was given the title of Saint and was lauded as a hero of both the Librarium and the people. While Albert accepted the title graciously and wears the saber that was crafted for him at all times, his mood takes a strange shift when talk of his deed is brought up. Since then, the Hero of Velen has been hunting down other Sky Pirate Guilds, seeking to preserve the peace that the Librarium has created. So far, he has successfully taken down a score of rogue Sky Pirate Guilds with the aid of local Cleric Knights. However, despite his deeds, the Faust name still hangs over him though, making the public’s opinion of him incredibly divisive. [/i][/indent] | [color=slategray]Magic:[/color] | [indent][i][u]Conjure Swords:[/u] Albert is able to compress his raw magical power into a [url= https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/373/19053203146_ca98d772a0_b.jpg]sword-like shape[/url]. The created blades take shape near Albert and can then be controlled by him, but doing so takes a good deal of concentration. In order to cut down on this, the Saint has practiced certain pathing sequences, which he dubs configurations, so much that he hardly has to think about them. On impact, these swords shatter and release their compressed magical power rather destructively, although this is only truly dangerous to people if they hit an individual directly. Despite being called Albert of the Thousand Blades, the mage has never controlled nearly half that number at once. Rather, he obtained that name due to his immensely large magic reserve enabling him to be able to keep creating his swords in what seems like an endless manner. This is obviously not the case, as he will run out of magical power if a fight becomes too drawn out. It should also be noted that while his configurations cut down how much focus he has to invest into the flight of the blades, he is unable to immediately switch between different configurations or use multiple ones at the same time. [/i][/indent] [hider=Configurations] [list][*]Advance: Swords continuously form behind Albert in sets of four and are fired straight at his target. As the name implies, this configuration is often used while he is approaching his target. [*]Fall: A stream of swords is formed and takes position about ten feet above a target. After a one second delay they all rain down at once, covering a sizable area. As this configuration takes quite a bit of set up, there is a rather large window for the target to evade or counterattack. [*]Constrict: A ring of six swords are generated and encircle a target, rotate quickly around it as they close in. The swords spawn several feet away and take about five seconds to finish closing in. [*]Guard: Four swords are created and quickly move in front of an attack, crossing over each other in a defensive manner. The resulting release of magic is often enough to cause weaker magic to dissipate or throw slightly stronger ones off course. This configuration must be used quite preemptively rather than reflexively and there is no guarantee that it will do much to stop magic with considerable power. [/list][/hider] | [color=slategray]Miscs :[/color] | [indent][i]His saber, the symbol of his status as a Saint of the Librarium, is beautifully adorned and has Juno’s symbol embossed on the blade itself. While it is not usually his go to weapon, it is always at his side.[/i][/indent] [/hider]