[b]Name:[/b] Jace Williams [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nomadic or sedentary:[/b] Nomadic [b]Weapons:[/b] A Blade he keeps on a hilt on his back, and a sharp six inch knife. [b]Skills:[/b] Jace is extremely proficient at hand to hand combat. He's been fighting all his life and has formal training due to his service in the U.S Military. He's also handy with bladed weaponry and firearms although he hasn't been able to get his hands on those in a while. He has a severe tolerance for pain and has taken many beatings in his life. He is very well read, and capable of reading at a fast paced while retaining some information. [b]Any unusual traits?:[/b] Jace is not exactly a regular person anymore. He's been granted enhanced strength and durability as a result of some strange mutation. As a side effect he suffers severe head-aches from time to time, has a vastly increased appetite for just about everything, seems to be loosing intelligence every day and for some reason gets along very well with violent animals. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://bossip.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/lazofficial.jpg?w=700[/img] [b]Brief Personality:[/b] Jace is a very aggressive violent man with a love for violence. He enjoys hurting other people, and getting into altercations. He's easily angered, and is always ready to get into it with someone else. He is always focused on the present, and barely stops to dwell on the past. He's concerned for his own self preservation but to that extent he will also feel similar about whoever he is currently allied with believing in strength in numbers despite his rage. He thinks morals are for the weak, and believes eveything is for the taking whether it's food, resources, or other pleasures. He enjoys using other people as he pleases, and thrives off being a savage. [b]Background:[/b] He was born and raised in a military family. He had a couple brothers, and one sister, and his parents all wanted them to either work for the Military or some form of the Government. Most of his family fell in line but Jace was the problem child. He was always getting in trouble growing up and getting into fights. By the time he was in middle school he was smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana. He ended up getting involved with selling drugs to support his habit, and experimented with some harder drugs until he was arrested and sent to juvie. After getting out he was even more ostracized by his family, and barely managed to graduate high school. His parents kicked him out, and he ended up working a fast food job but quickly got into selling drugs again to get money. Not wanting to fall into the same trap as others he knew he ended up doing as his family wanted and joining the military where he excelled. He was noted for his brutality, and ended up going into World War 3 where he committed numerous of acts of violence during the war. After the world went to shit he mostly went from place to place struggling to survive, and doing whatever it took to survive never staying one place long until he ran into the Hunters and finally felt like he fell into a group of people whom he could truly relate to and who thought very similar to him. Currently he's on his way to the New York Area to see if he can secure some more food, or some people..same thing..to him after fire there basically edible. [b]Alone or with someone?:[/b] Alone(Unless someone else wants to be with him [b]Other:[/b] Jace suffers from nightmares every night, but rarely declines to talk about them, and the reason he avoids getting close to people is he dearly misses his family which is probably one of only remnants of him that's truly human.