[center][h1]Taka Frederick & Assassin[/h1][/center] Interacting with: James Thorne [@Shadow Daedalus] [hider=Fuyuki City Streets: 1:36pm December 2nd 2012] In her momentary distraction of thinking about her life and where it was going to take her, she didn't see the man walk into her. To say the least, she was surprised drawing back suddenly away from him defensive, as you would be if you lived with a serial killer. She had even just about been going to draw her firearm, which would signal to Jackie whom was 'always' nearby but had their presence concealed through presence concealment that this person was in need of the Ripper's special treatment. It never came to that. He was polite fast enough for Taka to quickly get a level head about the situation. She relaxed her tense stance letting out a sigh of relief while doing so. "Watch where you are going in future, you almost scared me to death," Taka said with a smile as if it didn't bother her. Her eyes at the boys person taking in detail of their size and estimated weight. Her eyes drifting to his hand which was carrying a phone. "Don't tell me you was using a phone and not looking where you was going." She laughed before continuing, perhaps she could get an idea of what is going on if she asked this stranger. "So kid, seen any strange going on's recently, in the news or anything?" She asked as she didn't really have access to the news as she didn't even own a TV in her 'apartment' that she 'owned'. Plus her own cell phone didn't exactly have anything besides the ability to call and even that was risky what with her family wanting to find her. She had cost them good money when her 'Daughter' had played with the menservants. Jack was watching the entire conversation from a nearby roof. They were keeping out of sight as an assassin would. Their hand was constantly itching to grab upon the hilt of the knife and bring it down on the man who had dared to walk into her mother. He was very lucky though, it appeared that their 'mother' needed him for now, not to mention the fact it was daytime and she wasn't at her full potential. She continued to watch from the rooftop. If anything happened to this woman, she wouldn't know what to do. She didn't want to go back to the cold. [/hider]