[@Rush99999] Vert started to head towards the edge of the camp when she heard The Storyteller say something about helping with the ring. "That would be nice. Having it on a necklace would just risk me eating it by accident the next time I bring out my maw." Vert stated handing the ring to The Story Teller. She was still a bit nervous around him. Not wanting him to get too close again for fear of her eating him. Whatever that thing was they saw earlier though still terrified her. It felt pleasure from that pain, and that was what scared her the most. Smiling as you died a painful death just wasn't right after all. It made her shiver just thinking about that creature. Not to mention the way it commanded her to her knees. "I'll stay as look out for the others. From what I can tell almost everyone in this camp already has plans of how to kill me if I betray them. Not that their wrong too though. I wouldn't trust me either." Vert said, she had a look of sorrow in her eyes about it. Who would ever give a monster a chance after all?