[center][color=9e0b0f][h2]Ben the Fighter[/h2][/color][/center] Well, for awhile there things seemed to be working out just fine. Ben gave Jae encouraging nods and he offered to catch a few fireballs perhaps, as long as Jae would go easy on him. Ben felt confident he could do a few more powerful tricks, but he didn't know if he could take someone else's powerful tricks at the moment. He wondered how Aud and Jae knew each other. They weren't together, but perhaps adopted siblings? Either way, he'd let out a sarcastic but encouraging remark every now and then. He gave a grin to Lex as he approached, feeling like this outside excursion would go without accident. That is, until the...event happened. "[color=9e0b0f]Holy fuck he shot up like a rocket.[/color]" Ben declared, arms still crossed as Jae disappeared into the stratosphere most likely. He held out a hand for Aud to stand back, and then Ben focused the energy in his legs to leap upwards. He leaped up 18 feet, and then fell to the ground again. "[color=9e0b0f]Fruit, can't see him better. Well...I'll catch him when he falls again if he's not flying around.[/color]" He stretched his arm and prepared, focusing his ki into his strength. [@FunnyGuy][@Kyrisse]