[hider= A white mage.] [list] [*]Name: Celeste Ashburn / Used to be Kevin Ashburn [*]Age:19 /33 [*]Gender: Female (Used to be male) [*]Race: Human [*]Appearance:[url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1869022]Yuck, it's gonna take forever to take the dirt off.[/url] [*]History: Kevin Ashburn led a rather unremarkable life, albeit fully academically oriented. Somewhat of a bookworm, Kevin took to sciences like a monkey takes to sticks, and he passed with rather remarkable grades. His social life was then, however, unexistant, and he had a very serious problem with talking to people. He however, was doing rather well, becoming a full-fledged researcher. Until they stole a thesis of a coworker. Now, Kevin was not the sort of guy who lets such dirty play go by, and he, at the cost of his career, managed to denounce the plagiarist and settle things for good. Of course if he had seen the bus coming, everything would've had a happier ending... Not to mention that he is now a she. But hey, on the bright side, the new body is younger and she doesn't need glasses to read. Somewhat of a silver lining. [*]Personality: Kevin used to be a rather goody-two shoes in his past life. He treated others courteusly well, and he tried to make the world a better place. A shy person by nature, he tried to avoid confrontation... and even social interaction at times. He however, was one terrible opponent when lines were crossed, and he was surprisingly brave when things had to be done. A scientist by vocation, he liked to philosophize and theorize about existence... as well as being a rather huge nerd who liked to act silly once in a while. Little has changed since ahem, his rebirth, although she now has somewhat of a more cynical mood due to the fact she's not exactly ugly in the eye and attracts the wrong sort of attention, sometimes. Plus she has to act in behalf of a goddess, despite being a former man of science. The irony is not lost on her. [*]Abilities: [list] [*]As a priestess, Celeste has now access to a selection of Holy Magic. It's probably dependant on her virginity (She doesn't even want to test that, it is awkward enough as is.) Her main spell is, duh, healing, obviously. She has access to other two spells, a basic blessing, and a sort of evil radar detection thing which sometimes doesn't even work. [*]She also, because sometimes the sinners don't repent at time, has found herself to be able to manage somehow with a mace rather well. Nothing like smiting kneecaps. Which is also her move with the mace, a holy energy powered smite. Not very refined, but hey, it works. [*]Physics: The big cheat. Knowledge she brought from her past world which could change this one. Except not really. High tier physics are godlike, but they can't be recreated with the current tech level. She can however make good mathematic calculus and fundamentally calculate accurately artillery shots. Sieges can be fun! [*]Bleedout lore: Includes miscellaneous nerd crap, like the recipe of black powder, or who is the best girl in the 2015 anime roster. Also for some reason, an incredible amount of memes. [/list] [*]Equipment: [List] [*]Book of prayers: Duh. Standard Priestess gear. Comes in brown bound leather, and other brown bound leather. [*]Robes: White robes of good quality. Attract stains like crazy. Also include a chaimail shirt underneath. [*]Shield: Faith can protect but it won't hurt have one of these. [*]Blessed Mace: One of the few things on the side of good that can have wicked spikes. [*]Gold pouch: The lady thanks your donation. [*]Holy Symbol: PRAISE! [/list] [*]Other: Gender Bender ho! [/list] [/hider]