[@PKMNB0Y] Is this okay or did I overdo it again? [hider=Raymon Sting] Name: Raymon Sting Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Raymon is a young male with long black shoulder-long hair that starts to curl at the bottom. He has brown eyes accentuated by his pale skin. He is 6 foot tall and weigh a little under 185 lbs. History: Raymon was born into a peaceful family...maybe a bit TOO peaceful. Both of Raymon's parents were stereotypical hippies, so instead of going to school, Raymon was... homeschooled. Raymon never agreed with his parents however, so when he got his hands on some actual study material during his early teens, he was overjoyed. He spent a lot of time in the library since then. Oddly enough and to the surprise of both friends and parents, he developed a liking for punk music. He went to several concerts where he met several people that he would occasionally hang out with. Until one day.... he ended up here, at the desk of the secretary of some god he'd never heard of. Would he accept the strange and probably dangerous proposal? Of course! Personality: Raymon is a punker by nature, but punk is just a music style. Raymon, while he doesn't quite look it, he gets along with others easily since he's seen quite a few points of view and thoroughly understands them too. He is usually light-hearted and easy-going. Raymon believes the peaceful outcome to be the best, but understands that sometimes you must fight to protect what you stand for. Abilities: -Skilled at martial arts. Straight-up fighting skill. -Thunder Rune. Sets a Thunder Rune, unleashing a thunderbolt against whoever steps on it. -Special move: Minefield Rapid casts Thunder runes in a scatter-pattern. -Special move: Double-Ruined The user places a rune on each hand and smashes them simultaneously into his opponent for a stunning effect!* Preferred target area is the head. *This effect is pain. Equipment: Spiked Gauntlets Medium Armor? [/hider]