[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color]— Outskirts of Stillwater —[/center] Seeing Ella start talking to her Pokemon, Leisy did the same, figuring that she may as well use this time to get acquainted with the Sewaddle she’d caught earlier. [color=gray]“C’mon out, Sewaddle!”[/color] she said, popping the Pokeball open and releasing the Grass-Bug dual. [color=gray]“Hey there,”[/color] Leisy said, leaning down to let the leaf-swathed caterpillar crawl onto her arm before straightening back up. [color=gray]“Good job earlier. I really shouldn’t have used you since you’re so new, but you handled it really well.”[/color] Leisy paused, looking the green-and-yellow Pokemon over. [color=gray]“What do you think about the nickname ‘Animo?’ ‘Nemo’ for short, like that movie about the lost Finneon that finds its way back to its family with the help of a goofy Luvdisc.”[/color] The Sewaddle didn’t seem to understand the second part of the sentence, but it wiggled its back legs anyway, which Leisy took to mean that it liked the nickname. [color=gray]“Alright then, Nemo it is,”[/color] Leisy said with a grin, maneuvering her hand so that the Bug-type could crawl onto her shoulder before looking back at Ella. [color=gray]“Ella, I’ve been thinking,”[/color] Leisy said, frowning, [color=gray]“we both need to get stronger, so what do you think about a practice match? Nothing formal or official — just a practice bout on friendly terms aimed purely at training our Pokemon and trying new moves with them,”[/color] Leisy said, pointing to her Sewaddle with a grin. [color=gray]“This little guy, for one, could use some more training. He’s brave and adaptable, but I don’t feel comfortable putting him onto the field again like I did before.”[/color] Leisy trailed off, eyes now focused on the leaf-clad Pokemon preening itself on her shoulder, mandibles clicking. The Sewaddle was busy at work, and Leisy realized that the Pokemon seemed intricate, small, [i]fragile[/i]. [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 123 +1 +1(HHG bonus) = 125 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 3 [*]Rare Candy x 2 [*]Twisted Spoon [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchling (8) [*]Naunet ♀ — Piplup (8) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Larvitar (6) [*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (1) [*]Tyrus ♂ — Gastly (1) [*]♂ — Sewaddle (1) [/list][/hider] [@luckyblackcat][@lugubrious] [hr]114CP