At the news, Kili sat up some, feeling sick with dread. If Smaug was to come here, they were done for. All of Laketown would feel the wrath of such a mighty beast; he had heard the stories of Smaug all his life, and he knew the destruction he was capable of. If the dragon was coming here, where were the others? Kili couldn't help but worry for their safety; they had headed towards the mountain and Smaug may have met them first. "We need to find Thorin," though tired, he began to ready himself for their departure. Time was not on their side, Smaug would arrive within a matter of moments. Oin was in full agreement. "We'll need a boat," hastily, he threw his supplies back into his bag, then turned to help Kili who, once again, insisted he was fine. "You'll have to come with us," the healer explained to Bard's children, but Bane would not hear of it. "Not without our Da--" "If you stay, laddie, you and your sisters will die." Oin couldn't sugarcoat it, they hadn't a moment to spare. "Is that what your father would want?"