And here we go. [hider=Sophia Petrov] [list] [*]Name: Sophia Petrov [*]Age: 51 (Now 24) [*]Gender: Female [*]Race: Human [*]Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url]   [*]History: Sophia served the first handful of years of her young adult life in the Russian army during the second half of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. She became cold and hardened against hardship, performing well in almost impossible circumstances in a war that could not be won. Sophia was a combat medic, saving lives in a conflict that was becoming deadlier all the time. After the war she moved to western Europe and became a doctor for the Russian mafia, stitching up their wounded members among other, less wholesome activities. After the fall of the Soviet Union Sophia moved to the United States where she eventually retired and moved across the border to Canada. The southern states were much to warm for her tastes. Her vessel has taken the form of her 24 year old self, fresh from the military but tempered by age and experience.   [*]Personality: Sophia retains a certain coolness in her outward appearance though in her old age she's become softer than the woman that came back from the horrors of Afghanistan. She values simplicity in action and result, prioritizing the easiest path with the cleanest outcome.   [*]Abilities: [list] [*]Mundane: Sophia retains all of her medical knowledge earned over the years and is much more capable than she was even during her time in the military. She is also trained in combat and martial arts(including Sambo and Systema) while being as fit as she ever was. [*]Extraordinary: [list] [*]Fade: Sophia can become less visible while moving slowly and, given enough time, will totally disappear while still. Any movement disrupts this however though tiny motions such as breathing can only be discerned under ideal conditions. [*]Echo: She can hear what recently happened in an area, going back no more than an hour. [/list] [/list] [*]Equipment:[list] [*]Medical Supplies: Basic first aid supplies along with some more serious trauma gear. Appropriate versions of modern gear. [*]Bloodless Scalpel: A forged steel scalpel, obscenely sharp though the cuts it makes do not bleed. [/list] [*]Other:N/A [/list] [/hider]