[@Peik]alright, so, you spot it as it speeds up obviously. Pit maneuver is failed. This means they're able to block you off. You can either stay in the vehicle or a gun battle may ensue if you decide to get out. I'll let you dictate what you do in either case- gun battle = marksmanship roll, attempting to get away is another tactical driving roll. Pro-tip: The Suburban is armored and is heavier than the corolla. That means it might be slower, but unless they have a mounted .50cal, they're not killing you. [@Roosan]Link to the doc is in the OOC OP. We're attempting to get away with the Sonata, but [@Big Dread] has the keys to another car. Your guys' characters can proceed in another collab how you want. I assume Ben texts the others the situation. Asking Sam about the vehicle the MS-13 guys left in gets him to tell you that it's a blacked out Corolla, no persuasion/interrogation roll.