[color=aba000][center][h2]- Skubli - [/h2][/center][/color] [center][@Jangel13][@The 4 Winds][/center] [hr] Skubli quietly followed brother Lomen as he moved towards a potential new source of iron. While the discovery of iron outside of his alcove meant that he no longer had all of it to himself, Skubli was satisfied that his siblings had no other reason to go prying into his alcove. Brother Lomen's progress was slow, chipping away bit by bit of the stone without much progress. Skubli watched quietly for a short while before he silently crept forward, [b]excavating[/b] the stone just to the right of Lomen's chest. The runt's claws dug at a much greater speed, quickly burrowing into the stone until they clanged against the hardened iron ore. Skubli shambled a few feet away and repeated the process, this time locating iron with much less effort. After a few minutes of this process, he stepped back and looked warily at brother Lomen, curious as to how he would react to Skubli locating many different deposits for him.