Nori gawks slightly at the small figure which stepped out from the shadow of the behemoth of a man (well, comparatively. She some how doubted The giant gentlemen of the mercenaries they'd taken charge of would be so inclined to agree.) "This dainty human waif is our prospective evilly inclined noble?" she asks with no small hint of disbelief, an ear dropping to one side in uncertainty. "It does not sit well with me that we are accusing a child of such an act." she rasps bluntly. "The little one is barely big enough to sit in my lap, much less conjure dark forces...." Gillian eyes the large armored hulk currently hovering near said 'dainty human waif' with an inordinately healthy amount of skepticism. "Looks can be deceiving. Lady Ittsybittsy here is one of the crotch spawn of one of the most infamous traitors in Thaln's recent history." He says, matter of factly. He stretches a little, his back cracking quietly. "Got to say didn't figure it'd be a Cal though. So whats the story short stack? After all the temper tantrums you've thrown about how much you hate your daddy-dearest seems rather out of character for you to go hiring mercs and skulk around the backwoods looking for possibly ancient evil shards.....provided of course that is what you're doing." Gillian turns his gaze towards the young girl, fixing it into a harsh glare. He didnt hold any particular ire towards her, but she was a suspect for the moment. And with Tyaethe acting ever tactful (to those of us fortunate to be born nobles anyway), it was good to have a foil for her. 'nice knight, bad knight' was a popular interrogation trick back in Candaeln, if not for results then at least amusement.