[@SoulEater] [color=ed1c24]"Big spoons?"[/color] Helena chuckled,[color=ed1c24] "These are oars, you use them to get across the water like this."[/color] She had only seen it in television before, but it seemed simple enough. Her left hand was on top of the oar while her right held about the middle. She dipped it into the water on her right side and pushed the water backwards, making them drift forward. [color=ed1c24]"Then you just switch it around..." [/color]she muttered, trying to focus on the movement. As she lifted the oar out of the water, she reversed her hand positions and dunked the oar into the water on her left side, repeating the process. [color=ed1c24]"See? Now we're going forward. It's not straight, but we can get across." [/color] Edmond's nervousness was almost insane. He was so scared holding the oar, his knuckles were whiter than a ghost! [color=ed1c24]"Hey, Ed, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to,"[/color] Helena said before they went too far.