Jedediah watched as the Giganto entered the room. This one was different than the three that usually came around. It didn't matter. He was going to pay. Gathering up a lot of the cowboys, Jed quickly informed them what he wanted to do. Mounting his horse he watched as the massive human headed toward them and looked in. That's when he gave the signal. Hundreds of lassos flew up at the man and they started to pull at him. "Come on!" Jed whooped excited. Finally someone was going to pay. And it was going to be this guy. He watched as Giganto struggled to remain standing. Anyone else might have been terrified of a massive person about to come crashing down but not Jed. He had it all figured out. They even cleared a spot for Giganto to fall. The lassos did their work and Larry fell forward landing on his face into the exhibit. Jed rode up as the railroad workers and cowboys tied the giant down. They quickly secured him so he couldn't get back up. He turned his massive face toward them and a couple of the pioneers took a step back but not Jed. Even his horse didn't move at the massive face staring at them. The railroad man came down with the band and started in on the guard. "Every night one of your railroad guards come in and lock us up. And I hereby say, Sir, enough!" Jed listened to the crowd, gave them a second to rejoice. Despite the fact that the railroad man had done the talking and was a prominent individual in the community there was no doubt in anyone's mind who the real leader was. Sitting on top his horse, cowboy on and a look of determination, his eyes widened slightly as he gave the order. "Fire up the iron horse." [center]~ ~ ~[/center] Julia Augusti Filia, daughter of Emperor Octavian watched as the Roman Legions left their display and started positioning on the floor. The fact that they hadn't been locked up had been a surprise to her, as a guard usually locked them up fairly quick. But not tonight. She didn't recognize this particular guard. Facial features were hard to tell but she was able to see that this one guard was a lot younger than the others. A new recruit? Whatever the case, he was forced into the pioneer display by the reckless cowboys - arch nemesis of her father. "Lady Julia, do you want to join us as we sing, waiting for the Legions to return?" There were a few other female miniatures in this display. Most of the Roman display were Legionnaires, which was understandable due to what the purpose was. Only a handful of females had been brought her to add a bit of 'roman' culture to the city. Julia knew that Roman women did not fight or really participate in the action. They were to see war as horrible and not want to be a part of it - except to cheer the brave men on. In a way it was a bit...annoying. The other women seemed to be fine singing, working whatever, playing games but it didn't set with her. But as the daughter of the Emperor, and a major historical figure in-and-of-herself, she had to be an example. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up." That seemed to appease the woman for a moment. Julia turned her attention back to the Roman Legions. They were marvelously displayed - almost all ready. Oh if only to be down there.