[b]Willow Goldstein [/b] The sunlight pouring through the window shined brightly the young girl's face. Her chestnut hair was illuminated, causing it to appear darker than normal. Soft brown eyes focused on a book gripped tightly in her hands as if someone would steal it. She let out a peaceful sigh and leaned her back into the the couch. The book helped her forget the devastating year her brother and she had experienced. The fantasy drew her in, and the romance comedy made her laugh. It were in these moments that she felt calmest. That, and being with her brother - wherever he had gone to. She stretched her neck and yawned tiredly. Despite feeling content, she had not slept well the previous night. Being alone in the house caused her to feel agitated. It was weird being in this mansion alone without anyone with her. It had too much space for little Will to fill. She wanted a pet but she hadn't discussed it with Cameron yet. She desperately wished to buy a dog more than anything right now. Even fish would do - just [i]something[/i]. Willow rubbed her eyes and glanced over at the candle burning on the table. The flame hadn't gone out despite the gentle breeze drifting through the cracked window to her right. She didn't know why, but lately candles seemed to burn longer than normal around her. She had accidentally knocked over her tea and her hand nearly hit the flames. However, the flames had bent away from her much to her surprise. When she had been cooking a meal earlier, the stove's burner had lit up immediately. She had thought it was coincidence, but a nagging feeling in her stomach told her otherwise. Willow had also felt warmer than normal despite Atlanta's hot weather. She had also been angry earlier when finding a photo of her parents. Their deaths had caused a bitter taste in her mouth despite her devastation and grief. As a result of feeling angry, the edges of the photograph had burned and melted. Willow had gasped and dropped it, thinking it was the candle's fault. Nothing had been around her. Spooked and figuring she was hallucinating from sleep, she had quickly left the room and dropped the photo. Now, as the memories replayed in her mind, she felt a twinge of grief and fury. Their parent's death, then their aunt's, had been too sudden. She stared in shock at the flames, eyes narrowing. She wanted to find out if they had died the way they had. or if it had been setup. Why, she didn't know, but her gut told her to investigate. She watched as the candle's flame expanded and began to dance haughtily in the sunlight. She watched it with confusion and rubbed hr eyes, but it was truly moving. Willow dropped her back and quickly backed away from it and over to the window. She slammed it shut and locked it and turned back to find the candle wax dripping onto the table. It was quickly spreading everywhere and the flamed were licking up everything around it. [color=Thistle]"Oh my God,"[/color] she whispered and quickly ran over to her phone to call 911. Willow listened as the operator picked up. [color=aqua]"Hello 911, what is your emergency?"[/color] The woman asked her but Willow was frozen. The entire living room was catching fire. The noise was deafening and the fire crackled and sparked all around her. Smoke was billowing around her. She started to cough but found that despite being close to the flames, nothing was touching her. Subconsciously, she was willing it away from her. Smoke was consuming her house and causing her to cough hard. Her vision was blurred and tears stung her cheeks. Was she next? Oh God, what would Cameron do? [color=Thistle]"My house..."[/color] She began and let out a cry as she raced down the hall as everything caught fire now, ignited by her anxiety and fear. She blinked away tears and rubbed at them hastily. [color=Thistle]"Is on fire! Help!"[/color] The woman responded to her but Willow couldn't hear her asking for her address. After a delayed pause and repeated questions, Will blurted out her address. She darted down the steps, taking it three steps at a time and raced for the front door.That is, until the fire rapidly consumed the second floor. Willow inhaled and darted for the front door and thought of Cameron. Thank God he wasn't home. Thank God. She was reaching for the doorknob when the smoke around her consumed her. Willow pushed it open and darted outside. She inhaled sweet precious oxygen and passed out sideways on the front step. In the distance she heard the woman speaking to her but Willow couldn't comprehend her words. Sirens were wailing faraway. Her last thought was of her brother before her eyes closed and she passed out. Moments after she collapsed, the fire extinguished itself. The house was not completely destroyed, though evidence of the fire remained.