Colors acknowledged Sabine with a nod. He had not expected she would be able to share any information, but he saw no harm in asking. "The sea reminds me of my old life, that's for sure. The sea practically was my life back then. Trading in anything we could get our hands on: weapons, moon sugar, skooma. Don't carry a lot of those things anymore, except the weapons. Ports like to put high tariffs on those, so I can get them in at lower cost. Not to mention all the magic items, rare ingredients, and such. Really, I just smuggle whatever the clans happen to need. And I've never had a more loyal crew. I guess this one has a bit more personal of a stake in us other than just wanting coin. Life at sea can be dull, but I find ways to pass the time. Stories, drinking, gambling, more drinking, beautiful women. Or at least bored women." Colors turned his head away from the path ahead and towards Sabine. "Oh, and speaking of stories, I've heard a lot of them about you and your pack. A lot of them sound like the old sea monster stories that my first mate likes to tell when he's drunk. How much of all that talk about your pack is actually true? They make you sound like mythic heroes." --- Saras had not been completely sure if he should have expected the Penitus Oculatus to be aware of the threat of Vile, but it was not surprising to him. One who had been investigating lycans would have had a good chance to come across information about them. Nevertheless, Saras did not miss a beat responding with confidence. "Our struggle would hardly be a war by the standards of your Empire. You possess the resources to eliminate either or both sides of our conflict. It is a conflict, but not one that is usually fought on open battlefields. There have been a few battles, but not so much as of late. Skirmishes would be a better description." He was indeed speaking the truth that open battles with Vile's forces were more rare, but he did not share the reason. They could not fight Vile in the open because they could not completely counteract the soul-tearing gas in large numbers, but the agents did not need to know that. Shortly after his answer, a few of Saras' warriors returned with the furniture he had requested. He directed them to set up the chairs and table at the center of the room, after which Saras took his seat on his side of the table. "But it is true, ferals will soon not trouble you. At least, not any more than they did historically. There will always be the occasional rogue; we can do nothing about that. We can just keep as many of us away from your cities as possible. Now, Vile's followers, I can say nothing about what threat they might pose to you. Where as our goal is simply survival, Vile seeks power. He has tried to attain it through us, and I cannot predict what measures he will take when he fails. He has his agents in your cities. In the Empire [i]and[[/i] the Dominion." He said, giving a glance to the Justicar. "I would be cautious of them."