Interactions:[@Turboshitter][@Grey] ==== [color=f26522]"The first lesson of being a good magus is knowing your element so that's good on you Albert! The second lesson is having a good team behind you so I hope your pals are up to the par! I trust that you're going to do fine with or without my assistance in all of this. I know you're a good kid at heart just don't let your ego go to your brain otherwise...well you may end up like some people I know."[/color] Kuro-Sensei said as he let go of Albert's hand and gave him a friendly smile once more as he rubbed his own hair. [color=f26522]"If I can say one thing though is that I'm glad you still think of me as someone you can look up to. There's no better feeling for a teacher than to see his students succeed, and prosper. So thank you for saying so."[/color] Kuro continued as he chuckled but suddenly went pale in the face as he mentioned the blood part. Kuro started to sweat profusely and let out a panicked squeal as he pressed himself back against his chair and shook his head as he pulled off his own mittens and showed to Albert that he in fact had no marks on them. [color=f26522]"HEY HEY HEY! WAIT A SECOND! WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BLOOD TEST!? PLEASE NO LOOK SEE I HAVE NO MARKS ON MY HANDS! PLEASE!"[/color] Kuro said in terror as he shook in his seat. However he calmed down just as sudden as a large brawny teenager with bleached hair on the sides, and dirty brown spots on the top came up to them and cracked his knuckles. He was dressed in the Homurahara Academy uniform except it was unbuttoned and worn. His eyes looked down at Albert with distaste. [color=fff79a]"Yo yo Teach' is this scumbag trying to extort something from you? I told you you're way to nice for your own good! So what's your problem dick head you got a problem with Tasuma Sensei? Well if you got a problem with him you got a problem with the kendo club!"[/color] the boy growled at Albert in anger as Kuro-Sensei reached over and grabbed him by the shoulder and smiled gently at the big teenager. [color=f26522]"What's up Ryunosuke? Come out to the city to find little old me? Don't worry about him he's just an old student of mine I figured i'd say hello what's up?"[/color] Kuro-Sensei said gently as Ryunosuke looked at Albert his eyes still distrustful despite Kuro's protective ones looking deep into his own soul. [color=fff79a]"Alright fine sensei...I'll take your word on it this time. Look Tasuma Sensei, Hamakaze says she needs you back at school soon. Said that uncle of hers is looking for you as well. Need some advice on a project they're cooking up for the winter festival, and of course we still got to get some training in for our fight against Takihara Academy as well. I need your advice on my techniques. Besides if we don't hurry Hamakaze's going to rip my balls off you know how she gets."[/color] commented Ryunosuke to Kuro who nodded and adjusted his coat. [color=f26522]"Alright tell Hamakaze that I'll met her party soon. For now train with Akihiko, and Setsuna. I didn't go through the efforts of asking the principle for a day off to teach all of you guys this stuff to have it be wasted! Now go on I'll meet you back on campus soon. Promise."[/color] Kuro said with a big smile to Ryunosuke as he fidgeted in placed uncomfortably as Kuro chuckled, [color=f26522]"I'll be fine trust me!"[/color] Kuro said as Ryunosuke silently backed off with a flat 'gotcha' leaving the three alone once more, except for the large group of normal people staring at them. [color=f26522]"Well...I'm hoping that you didn't take that to heart Ryunosuke is a good man underneath all that pain. I expect him to grow up to be a strong willed politician one day. But hey look...if it really means that much to"[/color] Kuro said as he pulled up his sleeve and reluctantly put his hand hand outward towards Albert with no hint of malice and a trusting smile as usual.