[center][color=00aeef][h2]Lilia Galton[/h2][/color] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/allrpgmakergames/images/5/5d/Tumblr_inline_mjrapl4ZrS1qz4rgp.png/revision/latest?cb=20150831022123[/img] [hider=More] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/129103120/original.png[/img] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pocketmirror/images/3/3e/Goldia.png/revision/latest?cb=20160803000003[/img] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/aaf3/f/2014/143/d/c/fruit_plate_pocket_mirror_by_the_fury23ci-d7jeo9t.png[/img] [/hider] [color=00aeef]"[color=white]Adventure[/color] awaits on the distant horizon but first, one must have the patience to cross the [color=white]sea[/color]."[/color] [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Body type:[/color] Willowy, slender, and petite [color=00aeef]Skin tone:[/color] Fair [color=00aeef]Height:[/color] 3'8 [color=00aeef]Weight:[/color] 30 pounds [color=00aeef]Hair style/color:[/color] Brown with golden highlights, it hangs in curls to her waist [color=00aeef]Eye color:[/color] Crystal blue. Turns storm-cloud gray when she is angry [color=00aeef]Clothing:[/color](As seen in the image above) [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Name-[/color] Lilia Collete Galton. [color=00aeef]Nickname-[/color] Lily, Lia. [color=00aeef]Soul Type -[/color] [color=00aeef]♥[/color] Patience [color=00aeef]Age -[/color] 9 years of age [color=00aeef]Gender -[/color] Female [color=00aeef]Personality -[/color] At first glance, Lilia would seem like a bubbly child, bouncing all over the place however once someone actually takes the time to talk to her they realize that appearances don't always portray the person. Filled with seemingly an infinite amount of patience, Lilia is the type to gather all the parts of the story, even what may seem like insignificant details, before she choses what action to take. Even it is takes a long time, even if others would have given up by this point, Lilia keeps moving forward until she feels she knows enough to make a correct judgment. Seeing the glass as half-full, Lilia knows that there can be good in everyone and she can be very persistent in sticking around long enough to show everyone else what she sees. That isn't to say she tries to force her ideals onto others, even if others don't necessarily agree with her, she is satisfied so long as they acknowledge her point, even if they don't have to like it. Not exactly shy, Lilia prefers to wait for others to initiate the conversation, however long that may take. Lilia also can have a habit of annoying others, prompting them to just walk away because she may be taking too long at making a decision. Hand-in-hand with her patience is also her stubbornness. Once she puts her foot down, it takes a lot to move her. [i](Metaphorically speaking. Come on, she's about as heavy as maybe a sack of flour.)[/i] Lilia is not angered easily, which also can annoy those looking to get a rise out of her. However, this isn't to say she is like a brick wall. She has feelings and they do tend to get hurt. However Lilia tends to hide those type of emotions away from view and instead put on a smile. It could lead to those around her having to show patience in trying to get her to admit that something is wrong. Some are rather shocked by how grow up she acts sometimes. [color=00aeef]History -[/color] Despite her young age, Lilia is actually the oldest child in her family. Two sets of twins come after her, ages five and two, which leads to her parents not paying attention to her as much. That isn't to say they don't love her, they just have their hands full. However, Lilia didn't pitch a fit or act out like some children might. She learned to take care of herself, to become independent to take some of the stress off of her parents. She started helping out around the house and even offered to baby-sit her siblings to give her parents a break. Even though she naturally is inclined to be patient, this was strengthened by looking after four young children. [color=00aeef]Extras -[/color] She has a very severe fear of spiders. [/center] [color=ed1c24](If I should add what her view on the monsters are, just let me know.)[/color]