[h3][b][color=f49ac2]Natalia[/color] and [color=bc8dbf]Moira[/color][/b][/h3] The pair arrive at the landboat stop, eager to acquire artifacts and a sizable amount of pocket change for themselves. The stop consisted of a sign beside the street showing which route was being traveled, as well as the specific stops involved. A line of people stand or sit around the sign. The pair of girls join the group, standing near the back. After waiting a few minutes, the landboat arrives, a dust cloud billowing around it. The vehicle looked like a typical sea-going vessel floating in the air. At regular points beneath the boat were presumably Wind artifacts keeping the vessel aloft. A set of stairs were built into the front and back of each side of the ship -- there was no water to be let in on land. The deck consisted of many small seats, bars and rails for standing riders to grip, and a large mast with a sail attached, with more Wind artifacts affixed. The deck was mostly open air, with a glass windbreaker curving around from the front of the ship to a third of the way toward the back. They display their orphanage crests and hop on the landboat, finding seats towards the edge. The craft vibrates, the white sail flares, and the vehicle hovers slowly to the outskirts of the city. After it reaches past the walls, the landboat picks up its pace and skims over the land at an astonishing pace. Natalia peeks her head out, enjoying the view of rolling farmland below with the horizons seeming infinite. She admires the sight for several more moments before turning to Moira. “We should figure out how we’re going to divide the manabeasts while we’re waiting to get there,” Natalia prompts. “Hmm... I get everything but the Psyche regents?” Moira muses. Natalia simply gives Moira a look. “Hey! It’s not like you’ll be contributing!” “Not at first, no. But if we come across an Ice manabeast, I can turn that into an artifact and help you out. That way we can get double the amount of loot.” “I’m not totally convinced, but sure.” Moira shrugs. Natalia would be using up her Artifact rapidly if she relied on it to hunt. “...Or I can just grab the first manabeast we see and get a sealed artifact out of it,” Natalia continues, “But anyways, the real question is what elements you’re thinking of going into.” “I might have been planning on Darkness, Death, and Curse...” Moira quirks her lips. Natalia smirks, “That sounds pretty characteristic of you. I’m planning on Psyche, Ice, Water, and Lightning. It’s a good thing our elements don’t overlap though.” “Yup, otherwise you’d have to wait a long while before you got a Regent of you own. “ Moira says teasingly. “I didn’t expect anything less from you,” Natalia retorts, equally playful. “WAO, it’s like you can already read my mind(!!!).” Moira responds dryly. “Wao, it’s like we’re close friends or something (!!!),” Natalia counters. “B-b-baka!” “Tsu-Tsu-Tsundere!” “It-it’s not like I like you or anything!!!” “It’s okay, Moira. Senpai [i]finally[/i] noticed you.” Natalia gazes at Moira solemnly. “Yes S-Senpai...” Moira’s tone suddenly shifts to sultry. Natalia bops Moira on the head. Moira whimpers and holds both hands on her head, pouting, her cat ears folding over. The other riders of the landboat were very pointedly trying to ignore the pair. Especially some of the younger men, who were very glad they were sitting down.