[@Thread Generator SIN] this good, did i forget something? I'm kinda forgetful so tell me if I missed anything [hider=William Davison] Name: (William, Davison) Soul: (Bravery) Age: (14) Gender: (male) Appearance: William is 5'1 and weights about 112id, William for the start of this journey he is wearing blue jeans that cut off at his knees and a plain white short sleeve shirt as well as a black windbreaker with a hoody, William has blue eyes black hair and has some bandages on him (one on his left cheek, 1 on his right knee, 1 up above his right eye, and 1 running down his left elbow ) Personality: William is an out going kid not afraid of anything standing in his way, he tends to play rough but he never really means to hurt anybody on purpose . William is a extroverted kid as well as a loud thinker. Optimism never leaves his voice and never leaves his stride always the first the face a problem head on no matter how big or small. History: William belongs to a family of farmers on a 200x200 acres of land owned by his grandfather, considering the size of this farm William never had much time to make friends for he was mostly for most of his life homeschooled by his mom's grandma and his father's cousins who all went and completed high school, but his grandma is the only one in this family that went and got a masters in agricultural economics. William loves to play with the animals on the farm pigs, horses, cows, and chickens. He even has a pet pig named Snuffles back at the farm that is house trained and sleeps in his room. [/hider]