[quote=@Ruby] Apparently Yanci's cover identify is named Catlin Monroe. Not sure I forgot that in my character sheet... :gray [/quote] Well, it was when we started writing that post, can change if you don't want that anymore. [quote=@Rawk] [@Ezekiel], are Lasombra (Sabbat) characters also allowed, or would that be too conflicting for this story? Edit: Also, is there a limit to the clans we can use, core vs the sub-clans (i.e. Gangrel vs Ravnos). My knowledge is is based off V:TM 1st/2nd edition rules/books but figured I'd ask. [/quote] Sabbat Characters are allowed, although the current situation in LA somewhat forces them to abide by the Masquerade as it is, Sabbat don't have the strength to fight of the Anarchs/Camarilla combined in LA, even if they are pushing North with the fractious situation. Sub-clans and such are allowed, if their presence can be explained.