By that logic, if we allowed every pseudoscience possibility under the sun, the setting would be a mess with crazy tech. The mecha genre pretty much assumes some liberties will be taken by virtue of its nature, however there are limits that can be placed on it. Keep in mind this is basically 'future 1993' a-la 80's scifi shows that poorly estimated the near-future of mankind. Anyways, to avoid disputes, I'm just pointing out what fits my vision for the setting. In the IntCheck, I outlined my general outlook on weaponry: [quote=@Aristo] So the aesthetics of the frames are very similar to the mechs of VOTOMS or Heavy Gear. A quick Google search should get the idea across. They typically range from 4 to 6 meters in height, and weigh 5 to 9 metric tons. The majority are humanoid, with wheels or treads on the soles of the feet. The cockpit is located in the chest. Tech-wise, we're looking at the [i]real robot[/i] genre. Frames are machines, military hardware bound by the laws of physics and technology. Wikipedia's Heavy Gears entry pretty much mirrors how frames operate: We're also working with conventional ballistic weaponry. We might see a few gauss or rail guns down the line, and energy weapons are so experimental that they haven't been formally issued yet. I have a much more detailed write-up I've used in the past, but I'll save it for the OOC, as I'm making some changes. [/quote]