[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Was...was she being offered food? A flash of surprise ran across her face. Well, she was hungry, thirsty, and generally not exactly in all that great of condition. Was this some sort of peace offering maybe? Or was this simply their way of greeting a stranger? Or maybe there was something else here she didn't know. She had heard - read a lot about the peoples outside of Astril, but she doubted the statements had many, if any factual statements but that didn't mean all of them were not based in fact either. She had to be wary, or at least suspicious of any sort of interaction with them. Charlotte hesitantly took the fruit, suspicious for more than a few reasons...but she was hungry, and if anything happened she was fairly certain in her ability to do something about it. There was just a small problem. She had no idea what this hard shelled...fruit even was. She was fairly certain it was a fruit, at least - she knew her plants relatively well. She didn't want to appear as clumsy or awkward, but she didn't have much she could do with the fruit on her own. At least, not without something to maybe...crack it open with? She'd ask, but...language barrier. [color=a187be]"Kai ti akrivós boró na káno me aftó ...?"[/color] Charlotte frowned, and even through the language barrier, one would likely be easily able to tell there was a slight irritation in her voice as she studied the fruit, seemingly glaring at the coconut. She loathed not being able to know or do something on her own. In Astril, not being able to do something on your own meant asking one of your peers for assistance...an act that typically involved you owing them a favor later, and she was hesitant to ask for assistance...but this wasn't Astril, was it? Surely this girl wouldn't be as close minded as they were, would they? She looked back up at the girl from the coconut, frowning in a manner that suggested confusion and perhaps a little mild irritation.