[center][h2]Michael Sykes & [color=00aeef][color=00aeef]Harlow Grey[/color][/color][/h2][/center] [center]In Collaboration with [@Wick][/center] Mikey sat in his room alone as the others who had survived the opening of the bunker had headed outside for some reason or another. Since the bunker doors had opened everyone that survived it had gained some sort of strange abilities or powers, everyone except Mikey he still hadnt figured out what his powers were or even if he had any powers. He sulked in his room alot of the days. Since the meteor had hit no one had heard anything from the other bunkers. He had wondered if his friends were still alive. He wondered if they still cared if he was okay. It was while he sat there that he heard the shouts from outside. He contemplated going outside before finally succumbing to the curiosity surging through him. He stood from his bed, picking up his guitar as he did, slinging it over his shoulder and walked over to the door. As he passed the mirror near the door he looked into it. His eyes were red and bloodshot from the constant sulking that he had been doing the last few days. He looked different, different than he had when he arrived. A sense of formality, he had adopted the uniform of a technician within the bunker due to him attempting to help keep the bunker in top condition over the last few months. He looked like everything he had rebelled against as a teen and everything he vowed never to return to after joining the band. He quickly changed into something that reminded him of of the times before the meteor. Black doc marten combat boots, black skinny jeans and a white band tee complete with blacked out shades he was ready to go out and face the others as the man he was before events of the past year. Mikey jogged upto the entrance to the bunker and saw the group huddled together watching what looked like a man flailing around in the air as he flew. He approached the group slowly before making contact with a brown haired girl at the back. "So how longs he been like this for?" He joked as he approached her. Harley glanced his way and laughingly said, [color=00aeef]"A few minutes I think. I brought my dog outside to do his business and found Jae trying to fly." [/color] Harley looked at him again and offered her hand. [color=00aeef]"I'm Harley the bunker "water goddess" according to our commander. Why do you look somewhat familiar to me? Should I know you?"[/color] Harley was openly staring at him now and it was starting to make her embarrassed that she couldn't place him with a name. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry, I just ...I'm drawing a blank on your name."[/color] Mikey lowered his shades slightly and looked at her with a slight smirk. He took her hand. "Micheal Sykes, but im known mostly as Mikey from Forget the Famous. We were kinda big before...well all of this." he smiled. It was a rare occasion when he wasnt immediately noticed and fangirled over but it was a welcomed one at that. Harley smiled, [color=00aeef]"I saw you guys once about a month or so before...all this." [/color] She was smiling and a little embarrassed that she was probably smiling a little too much. She remembered his band. They had been at one of the big clubs downtown and she had been with one of her friends and they had been dancing on tables having fun. She fervently hoped he didn't remember her antics that night. Sometimes Harley could get into interesting and sometimes embarrassing situations when with her friends. "Oh my god, you were at that show. I have never had so much fun at a concert before." He flipped his shades back up. "Some chick started dancing on the tables with her friends, really wish I'd got to meet her she seemed like such a cool girl. You didnt happen see that did you" He said as his smirk turned into hearty laugh. Harley was glad that it was dark outside so he couldn't see how deeply she was blushing.The light was coming from one light on the outside of the bunker and Jae's fire flying and Harley couldn't see him very well except for the light hitting his eyes and she was grinning like and embarrassed fool. She fessed up.[color=00aeef] "Yeah well, in my defense that was when I had just gotten back from Europe and it was the first time I had been out since I had left more than a year before." [/color] Mikey began to wipe the tears from his eyes as he laughed so hard. "Oh my god, Harley that has gotta be one of my favourite memories from that night. I wish you hadn't left so quick, i wanted to give you a free t-shirt and get your number." He smirked again but now it was him feeling embarrased instead of her. "I still have some merch in my room if you'd like a signed shirt?" he asked in an attempt to break the silence. Harley smiled and glanced up at Jae. [color=00aeef]"Sure, why not. That was a great night." [/color]Ryder nudged her hand and she realized that something was on the ground and was slithering towards them. She tilted her hand towards the rustling noise and a large snake went shooting back with the large rush of water. They could see it in the air. Harley turned back to the others and said. [color=00aeef]"I just tossed a large snake you guys need to stay on your toes if you are staying out here. I'm going in." [/color]She waived at the small group and walked towards the bunker with Ryder and Mikey. [color=00aeef]"So, why have you been so quiet since all of this?"[/color] Mikey looked down towards the ground as he walked with Harley back to the bunker. "I've been looking after some of the equipment with the technicians, and in my spare time ive been practicing my guitar, wouldnt want to get rusty. Don't want the new world to be without some good music." he chuckled to himself. "You've not heard anything about the other bunkers have you by any chance" he asked, a sense of concern on his face. [color=00aeef]"I know a couple of days ago a stranger showed up and said he was from another bunker and that theirs was attacked and all died. When I went back to ask him more questions he had taken off. I have no idea. The commander might have some way of knowing but we'd have to ask him."[/color] Harley knew it was on everyone's mind. Were there others out there and if so where were they? Were they the last ones left? She hoped not. they were basically a large group of kids who had been brought up in the tech world and couldn't do too much without it. She wished she had paid more attention when her grandmother had canned food for the winter. She looked up and realized she had no idea where his room was. [color=00aeef]"Looks like I'm following you. I have no idea where your room is. Mine is in the doubles now. The rooms are too small for a dog in the single rooms." [/color]She scratched Ryder's neck as she smiled at Mikey. Mikey looked at a sign hanging in the middle of a walkway. His room was room zero-two-one on the singles corridor. "Well we have to cut through the cafeteria, im in room 021 in the singles corridor, just incase you want to come on down when your free any other time." He led Harley across the cafeteria and up to the door to his room. "Just give me two seconds to find my key, its a pain in the ass to get things outta skinny jeans." He joked as he rummaged for his keys. After spending a while looking for them he managed to finally get the door open. "Welcome to room 021 or as i like to call it home. " he laughed as he walked over to the cupboard where he kept his old band stuff. "feel free to make yourself at home while i find the shirts." Harley smiled and patted Ryder on the head affectionately. [color=00aeef]"That's okay." [/color] She said plopping down on the bed and shrieking as Ryder jumped onto her knocking her backwards against the wall. [color=00aeef]"Umphfff, Oh, OWWW! Ryder that hurt!" [/color]Harley chuckled as the dog made himself comfy on her lap. Mikey continued to rumage through his cupboard when he heard the slight thud against the wall and peered out to take a look at what had happened and chuckled slightly. "I take it you brought your friend here into the bunker before the whole fiasco with the end of the world and all that jazz?" He asked smirking before heading back into the cupboard. [color=00aeef]"Actually, no. I used to live about a mile from here and I found this dog and I knew him from before. The commander healed him for me and said he could stay. He kinda makes the hurt just a little easier to bare." [/color]Harley hugged the dog who seemed genuinely happy to be there. Mikey came back out from the cupboard grin still wide across his face. "Here we are, one of each of the shirts i had time to pick up." he said placing the pile of shirts on the bed, he reached over to stroke the dogs head. "Yeah, im sure he does help alot with keeping you company and all" [color=00aeef]"I wish I knew more people from my past that survived. It appears that you and Ryder here are it." [/color]Harley glanced up at him and blushed a little bit. She remembered that night all too vividly. Her friend Sheryl had asked her to go out even though the other girls they usually went with had concert tickets to one of the biggest concerts of the summer and Harley had come back a little early and rather than let her friend stay home alone Sheryl sold her tickets to another friend and she grabbed Harley up and they went to a club downtown to celebrate her return. Harley and Sheryl had been dancing on a table half drunk and fairly uninhibited. When Mikey's band came on stage Harley had immediately noticed Mikey. It was hard not to. He kinda stood out in her mind. The memory itself made her blush in the present. If what had happened next hadn't happened she was fairly certain that the musician would have made a point to speak to her. Sheryl had been messing around and gotten herself into a situation and after she disappeared with some guy for a few minutes Harley had gone looking for her and found her sitting in a hallway near the bathrooms. The guy Sheryl had been kissing tried to get aggressive with her and after she repeatedly told him no and started to scream he backhanded her across the face knocking her to the floor. He had left seconds before Harley got to her friend. Harley had gotten her friend to her feet and into the ladies room and helped her clean her face up. She was really bruised and half drunk and hysterical. Harley remembered calling for a cab and getting her friend into it and sending her home. She had called Sheryl's roommate and told her to keep a lookout for the cab. When she had gone back inside the set was over and there had been another band playing. Her hopes had been dashed when she didn't see him anywhere. Harley had gone outside and started to walk home on her own. Harley snapped back to the present and blushed to her toes for no apparent reason. Mikey was standing in front of her petting the dog. The single rooms were so small that he could only sit on the bed next to her or on the floor. Ryder jumped down and stretched out on the floor. Mikey sat down on the bed next to Harley as the dog jumped to the floor. "Hey, dont ever lose hope. For all we know the other bunkers are still full and alive. We just have to believe. As long as we believe they're alive they will be." He said, thinking maybe to put his arm around her to comfort her. In the end he decided not to, as if she saw it as some sort of flirting and she didnt feel the same way then she could a hundred and ten percent kick his sorry ass. "I hope you like the Shirts. They're limited edittion. The only ones in existence" He laughed, if they couldnt make fun of the end of the world then there would be no help for anyone to hold onto what makes them human, or whatever the new 'superpowered' humans were. "So whats the deal with all you guys getting powers. I mean thats pretty cool huh? Like what can the others do, like of course you can control water. I mean your a guitar away from being a rockstar" he asked, kinda looking at her wondering if he had powers and didnt know about it. Harley smiled and said, [color=00aeef]"I'm not losing hope. It's about all we have left." [/color]She hesitated and then asked him. [color=00aeef]"Thanks for the shirts...So that night...my friend got into trouble with some guy so I sent her home. I went back inside and your set was done and a new band was playing. Where did you guys go? I hung around for a few minutes before walking home."[/color] Harley wasnt' sure if she should tell him that or not but she did anyway. Mikey hung his head silently. "We kinda got kicked out that night." he exclaimed. "While playing our last song we saw some chick getting harrassed by some creep. Naturally i dropped my guitar and dove straight into the crowd. I punched the guy and broke his nose. We got kicked out after that they thought we just randomly started beating this guy up for no apparent reason. Scum of the earth. I'm sorry that your friend got into trouble, i wish i could have helped but we were a bit preoccupied." he told her. [color=00aeef]"It's okay, I had just wondered if things had happened differently if....wait, Sheryl was hit by the creep she was kissing when she said no. I wonder if it was the same guy. Did he have dark brown hair and kind of a long nose and a denim jacket with an attitude?"[/color] Mikey looked at her shocked, no way it could have been the same guy. "Yeah, he did actually. What the hell is his problem." Mikey was definately glad he had punched the guy now. Harley smiled brightly. [color=00aeef]"At least he got what he deserved. Thank you for that. I'm sure Sheryl would have liked to have known that her pain was avenged."[/color] Harley's eyes darkened for just a moment as she thought about her friend and everyone else's demise. She put a happier expression on her face and she turned to look at him and she realized how close they were in the small room. She felt slightly awkward. At least he was a nice guy she thought. She was glad that she hadn't been attracted to a creep. [color=00aeef]"I guess I should be going." [/color]She started to stand up to leave. Mikey didnt know what to do in that moment, should he make a big gesture or should he let her walk away. "No" He shouted. "No, dont go. Not again." He grabbed her hand. Harley was taken by surprise and she looked him in the eyes and she felt his hand around hers and she blushed a little. [color=00aeef]"Why do you want me to stay?"[/color] "I lost the chance to try to be with you the first time, I'm not losing you again" He said, a tear running down his face. Harley wondered what kind of impact she had on people but realized that finding someone that you thought you had lost was a very emotional thing. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him.[color=00aeef] "I'm not going anywhere."[/color] Mikey put his arms around her, and rested his head on hers. "Im glad" He said smiling.