Soon after disposing of the first scamp, Brona had little time to butcher the next scamp that propelled itself towards with a terrible, guttural screech. She drew up the blades of the iron short swords to fend off the attack. To her surprise, a hound of impressive stature tackled the devilish beast to the ground, a set of yellowish fangs turned orange, then red as the blood from the creature mixed with its saliva. Panting, Brona took a step back. She had seen the hound inside the chapel, and the owner, a rugged Nord man with wavy black hair, finished off another scamp. “Thank you!” She called to him with a weary smile. It was then that her eyes flickered to the gates, they had opened! As the hound finished its bloody work, the Nord called to him. “Wait! Wait for me.” Brona called, running after him. She didn’t want to be alone after that last scamp. “Look,” she said catching up to him, “the gates have been opened. That woman made quick work of getting them open.” She commented, all the while keeping her eyes peeled for anymore creatures that she felt were lurking in the shadows.