[@FunnyGuy][@dabombjk][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@Kurai Assassin] [Center][hr][hr][url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Mv9IzXPwDW8/U3a_R67x3qI/AAAAAAAAANI/KRqBcMto-kw/s1600/India+Eisley+Hot+and+Beautiful+American+Teenage+Actress+girl+HD+wallpapers+%252867%2529.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/2c8888ca0195e0b5044c229bfafd0204.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1]TRINITY Alone[/h1][/center] [center][color=magenta]There were three brothers in merry Scotland In merry Scotland there were three And they did cast lots which of them should go Should go, should go And turn robber all on the salt sea The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin The youngest of all the three That he should turn robber all on the salt sea Salt sea, the salt sea For to maintain his two brothers and he[/color][/center] Trinity sang as she approached the bunkers dragging her load of trailer two 40’ containers, tools and tires she’d collected back at the dead truck stop. She stopped singing as she noticed someone in the air who appeared to be on fire and let the trailer down then walked over towards those assembled and watching. She didn’t move too close to the others because she wanted to study what she was seeing before formulating a response knowing that as odd as things were around here to act without knowing what was going on was unadvised. Everyone around her seemed to more amused and mildly disturbed so it must be a power test; Didn’t Jae manipulate fire? Sighing she went back to work on her little external project and picked up the tongue of the container trailer and drug it over to her tower and Smokehouse before setting it down once more. Trinity worked quickly and methodically assembling the containers into a square using the others she had brought here yesterday and after that checked her fire and added a bit of fuel enjoying the look of the pigs smoking at the other end as she thought of beef sides and more pigs and perhaps a few croc tails. So when she emerged from her smokehouse Trinity sniffed herself then giggled how absurd it was to wonder if she stank of smoke then noticed she was sweaty as well. So with a bounce in her step she decided to take herself to the river for another display of dominance picking up a 16’ 375 pound ash tree that she’d made the trouble of stripping of limbs to make a flexible long pole Soon she was by the river stripping down to her navy blue sports bra and gray flannel boxers making ready to enter when a volunteer lunged from the water and ran up the bank towards her eager for it’s lunch trouble was that he’d gotten their roles flipped. The heavy end of the sapling landed with what for Trinity was a love tap and it cracked his skull in half felling him without so much as a twitch of muscle after the blow.