Haruki and Rin made it to the Academy with time to spare. The physical exams were about to start soon. The first thing the two noticed was the giant obstacle course. It looked fun, but challenging at the same time. First was a running course followed by a swimming course, the evasion course, then a battle course. All of these looked connected instead of separate, but knowing the academy, they were definitely connected as a whole course. “Come on, we have to sign in,” said Rin pointing to a table nearby. Haruki put his hands behind his head, following Rin smiling. “You think you're up for it?” he asked following her to the table. “I'm a little nervous, but I'm more worried about you. You usually don't take things seriously when it counts. Please at least take this one serious Haru,” Rin told him looking concerned. “Have a little faith in me will yea. When have I let you down?” he asked, certain that she wouldn't be able to come up with anything. “This morning,” she replied, as she signed in for the exams. Misako was ready to get her exam over with, so she could get away from the huge crowd of participants waiting their turn, and find a quiet place to relax. She wasn't very good at handle large crowds. It just made her even more nervous. “Misako Shiba!” announced a tester, looking around to see if anyone would answer. “Misako stepped forward, revealing herself, so that the tester knew that she was present. Misako began the testing, starting with the obstacle course. She did a excellent job. She wasn't a very good runner, but she made it up in the evasion course, where she had to maneuver around logs and moving objects shooting towards her. She made it through that part without a single mistake. Then it was the combat portion, where she had to spar with another tester. She was able to fight toe to toe with the tester, using her great maneuvering techniques, she practiced so hard to perform. It was a little bit of a struggle in the power department, but she held her own. Haruki whistled in amazement. “Wow, she's really good, whoever she is. So far it looked like she just may make it in the Ops,” he said, watching her every move. “I can do better,” Rin said in a low voice, that Haruki could hardly hear. “Did you say something?” he asked, thinking he missed something she had said to him. “Nope, not a thing. You should focus on your exam before drooling over a girl,” she said walking ahead before Haruki could say anything. “Don't be such an ass, so early in the morning,” He said smiling with excitement.