[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=008080]William Harper[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://www.equilibriumfans.com/EquilibriumStill0100-ClericJohnPreston(ChristianBale)MD.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=teal]Location:[/color][/b] Retribution, Bridge [hr][/center] [color=008080]"Aye aye, Captain."[/color] monotoned Harper and he subtly maneuvered the Retribution into position. While he could not help the odd gnawing sensation of growing anxiety, viewing the Reaver vessel on his screens, he could play his role in the hastily assembled but potentially successful gambit in destroying and/or escaping them. That last bit wasn't entirely clear, but either eventuality was preferable to their current situation. Although their situation was by [i]far[/i] not ideal, the Lieutenant could comfort himself ever so slightly in the fact that they were not in the position of the Firefly vessel nearby. They were in an obviously weakened state without tactical position. Or shipboard weaponry. Come to think of it, why in [i]xiǎobiàn chángzi[/i][sub]1[/sub] didn't they just launch a fusillade into the side of the Reavers and be done with it? Problem solved, move on to the next issue. It seemed to the internally anxious pilot that there was something more going on. Granted, he wasn't in the mood to investigate the matter at that moment. His motivations were more pure: saving his own ass. So long as he was piloting a ship with others onboard, he might as well save their collective posteriors as well. The escape module cleft from the main craft with a sudden, mechanical exhalation. Harper made sure to maintain a mirroring vector with the tiny craft, giving their gunner a clear shot at it while keeping speed fast and constant. [color=008080]"Pod away, Captain."[/color] he informed in his standard, order-acknowledging monotone. Now he set his controls to the secondary task of, as the mahogany skinned dandy put the next course of action, [i]Gunning It[/i]. [hider=Translations] 1 = piss-gutted Hell [/hider]