[@Burning Kitty] George had finally noticed that everything was getting started at the exam. It certainly looked interesting. He knew he wouldn't do great though as his ability to dodge was almost null, not to mention that he sinks in water due to the sheer amount of muscle he has. But he always found a surprising way of doing this. He had already signed up for the exam earlier. As he headed towards the course he noticed the twins Ginny and Gerald effortlessly take down some rather stupid looking students. "You guys don't need to hit everyone you see you know that? Next time try hurting them kindness instead huh?" George said with a dumb looking smile on his face. He hated to see others get hurt like that, even if they did kind of deserve it. "And try taking some down time too, the whole school knows that you two need it. Something about having a... Pole down your shirts I think." George added. He wasn't great at analogies after all. Sure George himself wasn't all that smart, but he made up for it with heart, not to mention he had a strange sort of fan club within the club. It was mostly men though who admired him for being such a strong and reliable person when it came to asking for help. He always wanted to help no matter who the person was. If he had the chance, he would have tried to make Stalin a better person. [hr] Hanzo was breathing heavily after his little transformation still trying to get used to what was happening with his body. "T-The exams. Watching those might clear my head." Hanzo said to himself as he climbed out of the hole with seemingly no trouble. Almost as if he was meant for climbing. Alot had just happened and watching others run and fail at an exam he couldn't take seemed like a great way to calm himself a bit. A few hours later he was sitting on a sort of spectating bench with other civilians who had come to watch the exams. Although Hanzo looked a bit out of place as he was sweating heavily. A few people moved away from him on the bench for fear that he had the flu and might spread it.