[@PKMNB0Y] [quote=@PKMNB0Y] [@jynmi88]: I think that schools often send out notifications if a student has an unexcused absence from a class. It tends to escalate if done over an extended period of time. I would assume the parents would find out one way or another over the course of one week, much less two. Does it have to be that sort of YT channel, though? There are a lot of ways to spin similar tales without going to something that... Honestly doesn't seem like it have much of a following in the first place. Heck, there are a lot of channels that specialize in things like food, pop culture, politics, games, and so on and so forth. Wouldn't those make more sense for someone chasing a pie in the sky ideal? It'd make sense in turn if it was done to deal with that minor social anxiety, but this is just me rambling. Honestly, that's the only point of contention I have left in regards to the character.[/quote] Oh! Okay I think I see what's happening. The thing is she wasn't ditching school, she quit and it was her parents she was hiding the fact from. As for the YT thing, there are some youtube channels that specialize those kinds of videos that are very popular. The Creepymcpasta channel alone has over one million subscribers. AS for why she chose that format for her videos there's two reasons. First, the videos themselves are easy to do; just pick the background and narrate the story. Second, that opens up a lot more time and energy she can invest into actually writing the stories. As for not showing her face, its because she wanted to be well off on the channel before her parents found out.