[center][color=dimgray][h1]Tamashī[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=dimgray]Infiltration : Orphanage meta children kidnapping and experimentation ring[/color] Interacting with [@king Tai][@FantasyChic][@Vashonn][@Wick][@Necrophage][@RumikoOhara][@pugbutter][/center][hr] Now that the three other infiltrators had made it inside it was time to get to work. First, thing Jonathan did was figure out where each of the patrolling guards were. It didn't take him long as he stayed in Level 3. He then took note of each of the security cameras. He quickly and swiftly went after the patrolling guard that he deduced was the highest ranking out of them in hopes the guard had some keys. Jonathan waited til they were out of sight of cameras or another person and made his move. He switched to Level 2 and used his increased strength to knocked the guard out quickly. Jonathan then moved the body to an unlocked door which happened to be a small storage room. He restrained the guard and took whatever he could find off of them. After that Jonathan made his way to the area where the security room was most likely located. He unlocked the door with whatever means were necessary. After he got in the room he made his way in and took out whoever was inside. Then he whispered over the comms, [color=dimgray]"Security room is under our control."[/color] The next thing he did was restrain whoever had been inside and investigated the cameras and anything else he found in the room.