[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tKz14NX.png[/img][/center] For Amanda Allen-James, nothing would ever be the same. Her life was changed forever the night that the so called Meta Domes encased Los Angeles, altering the very DNA of many of those trapped within the spheres. Though her powers did not manifest immediately and she was fortunate enough not to suffer physical changes, as many of the others had, she indeed was changed. She may not have developed claws, a tail, or even gills, but she suddenly found herself able to move faster than the speed of sound, able to move up and down the entire West Coast in mere seconds. At first, her new found abilities were not only exhilarating, they were frightening. While people with amazing abilities seemed to be more and more commonplace, there were still certain stigmas attached to those with powers. Amanda did not know how her friends and family would react, so initially she decided not to tell anyone. Then her life changed again one sunny day in Pacific Point’s Huntington Park. While enjoying the day with her friends Izzy and Gemma, she saw a yellow Hummer jump the curb and veer directly toward an old man. The old man had no chance of getting out of the way. Before she new it, she was racing toward the old man, pulling him out of the way, and then rejoining Izzy and Gemma before they had even known she was gone. The entire ordeal happened within the blink of an eye, and the exhilaration she felt was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Soon after, she decided that she was going to use her abilities to help others in a way that she never thought possible. She had decided that some good was going to come from the horror that the Pax Metahumana terrorists had spread after all. The first thing she did was something that she had originally decided not to do. She told both Izzy and Gemma everything. At first her friends didn’t believe her. However, a quick demonstration of her abilities, in this case, zooming out of the apartment and back in a matter of seconds with a bushel of strawberries from the farmer’s market across town proved that she wasn’t making it up. Her friends were naturally in shock, but they were nonetheless excited for her. Once the initial shock had worn off, she told them everything. She told them about how the dome over LA had been responsible for her new reality, and she told them about the old man at the park. She also told them how she planned to continue helping people. From there, she set about preparing for her newfound calling. Each day she would go out and test her abilities. She would push herself to see just how fast she could move. While she was preparing herself physically, Gemma was putting her artistic costuming talents to good use. An avid cosplayer, Gemma went to work creating Amanda’s costume. When Amanda first saw her new costume, it was love at first sight. The purple and chrome suit had pink highlights on the arms, legs, and chest. At first Amanda was skeptical that it would allow her to move comfortably, however, a quick test run around the city proved her fears to be unfounded. Her favorite part of the costume was the mask and wig. Amanda had wanted to safeguard her identity, and had decided that a simple domino mask might not be the best way to do that. She had wanted to incorporate a purple wig into the costume; however, keeping the wig on her head had proven to be problematic. Gemma went to work trying to solve the issue, and to Amanda’s surprise, she had pulled it off. Instead of having the mask and the wig as two separate pieces, she managed to integrate them into a single, cowl-like piece that slipped on over her head. Amanda took her time putting the costume on, relishing each moment as she suited up in the finished costume for the first time. Then she slipped on the wig and mask, and stood in front of her full length mirror and gazed at her reflection, and felt a sudden pang of excitement. “Looks like you’re needed.” Izzy’s voice came from the living room. “What’s up?” Amanda asked. “Well, there’s a bank robbery in LA, it looks like the suspects have some sort of advanced firepower.” Izzy told her. “Really? Cool!” Amanda said. “Uh…I mean, that’s terrible.” She corrected herself, embarrassed at how over eager she sounded. “….and there’s videogame characters running around downtown. But it looks like that spider chick and a couple others have that under control.” Izzy offered. “Yeah, I think I’ll let them take care of that.” Amanda said as she bolted out the door of the apartment in a purple and pink streak. As she raced toward LA, Amanda Allen-James would finally introduce the world to… [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDaLzr2.png[/img][/center]