[@XxLyraxX] Vischous smiled when she said her name was Lily. It actually fit her...she was beautiful like a lily flower. He shook the thought out of his head and tried to move on. [color=ed1c24]"I brought you here because...well, to be honest. You are a vampire in the midst of the change."[/color] He said knowing she was not going to believe him. [color=ed1c24]"I took you here to my house where me and the Brotherhood live. We are all vampires here so we can live here safely. I did not drug you...but I gave you some of my blood to drink to keep you alive. I will have to keep having you feed off my blood in order to survive the change. If you don't....you will die."[/color] He said in a calm voice to help her understand how serious this situation was.