[center][h3][color=0076a3]Kieran[/color][/h3][/center] and [center][h3][color=lightpink]Cori[/color][/h3][/center] Cori was still replaying the meeting in her head. It was something out of a dream: she walked in there fully expecting to act only as an informant. She didn't expect either of the men to jump at the chance to give her free reign to act as she pleased, but now she was suddenly in charge of the entire Georgia branch. It was a daunting task and while it was she would take on seriously with the intent to do her job excellently, she felt doubt in the pockets of her mind. "[color=lightpink]That prick,[/color]" she whined, dropping her head against the steering wheel. For minutes, she sat there in the car in the lot of the Atlanta aiport before sitting up suddenly. "[color=lightpink]It's still Saturday.[/color]" She patted at the heart of her jacket, where she felt the key sitting safely in her pocket. Then she patted the opposite to find her pack of cigarettes...empty. "[color=lightpink]Fuck it,[/color]" she decided, finally turning the car on. She had already called her father to fill him in before leaving DC, but she was desperate for some sound--to take her mind off her situation at least until she got to Kieron's base. So she flicked on the radio, which was already on a station known for its "classic" country, but her nose wrinkled at the pop vibes and drove faster. [hr] Kieran had waited patiently. Once on a mission he waited 24 hours in one spot, under water, with only just barely enough oxygen in his scuba tank, just for a single moment so he could avoid being detected. If he had jumped the gun or messed up someother way and stayed undetected. he would have had to wait another 24 hours. On another mission, he waited litterally two months for a single piece of intel that was a single sentence. On both times, he had been quiet, been productive, and made the most of it. This was not one of those times. Hour one: Kieran had prepared the home cooked meal and set it on the table, freshly seasoned and still steaming. He had lit the candles, and made sure everything else in the medium size studio wa slocked and secure. Nothing had been out of place, nothing had been dirty. As the hour wore on, Kieran sat waiting patiently. Hour two: Kieran stood up from his chair, and stood behind it. He kept his hands in his pockets, going over mental techniques of meidtation. Something to calm him down. Hour three.: Kieran paced the room quite quickly. Had she forgotten, had she decided not to come? He texted her the time to arrive, maybe she lost her phone. He had been blunt and not really given her an option to say no. And why did he care? Kieran though that since this was more than a simple dinner, like a covert op, that must be why he was so anxious. But he had never been anxious like this before. Not since he had been captured by a foreign terrorist sleeper cell that hid on american soil, and was known to torture the.....sensitive areas. Hour four: Kieran had worn a white button down shirt with a black vest, black dress pants and shoes. His shirt was slightly less buttoned now, but still appropriate, and he had taken to practicing hand to hand combat with the air. Hour five: Kieran had taken off the vest, taken off the dress shirt so now he was wearing a sleeveless white shirt. He had taken to doing pull ups on a pull bar attached ot the wall directly across from where the door and dinner table was lined up. The sleek, black Aston Martin pulled up to the house. It was only then that she realized she hadn't thrown the guy any warning texts or calls about her arrival, but [i]he[/i] was the one who invited her. So she shoved the thought aside, locked the door behind her, and approached the house. A pale hand came up to knock at the door, but she hesitated, remembering the keys in her pocket. "[color=lightpink]Well,[/color]" she said, pulling the keys to enter the home herself. And there was Kieran. She blinked, taking off her sunglasses to rest them at the collar of her shirt, eyes watching the flex of his muscles for just a moment before she glanced away and around. Her nose wrinkled as she caught a whiff of the cold dinner. "[color=lightpink]Smells good,[/color]" she said, finally closing the door behind her with a gentle clack. Kieran quickly pressed his feet against the wall, ran upwards, and flip backwards landing on his feet facing Cori very much suprised. If he had a weapon he would have thrown it or pulled the trigger. Kieran thanked himself that he didnt decide on target practice. Kieran noticed that while he didnt smell, he had aquired a small amount of sweat. Kieran walked over to the counter and wiped his face off. "[color=0076a3]Oh. Hello. Well....it did smell good. I apologize it is cold, time does that.[/color]" Kieran set the rag down and put his shirt and vest back on. Kieran felt slightly sunbconscious about his appearance now. "[color=0076a3]I wasnt sure what to make, so I made italian spagetti. With meatballs. Im not much of a cook honestly.[/color]" "[color=lightpink]Showoff,[/color]" she accused after his flip. She pulled off her jacket as she spoke, looking further around the house. She didn't miss the nice pants or the discarded button up, and felt underdressed: sure she dressed professionally after getting back from such a high caliber meeting, but she felt stuffy all of the sudden. "[color=lightpink]Italian's alright. I can't cook at all,[/color]" she admitted. "[color=lightpink]So, what do you got for me? Besides the cigarettes you owe me.[/color]" She sat down. Kieran pulled out a pack of camels from his pocket and held it up. He then walked over at sat down across from Cori at the small table. He then set down the package and slid it across to Cori. "[color=0076a3]Yes because you [i]won[/i]. Here. Not much of a smoker myself, too many substances can be put in a cigeratte and kill you.[/color]" Kieran mentally smacked himself. Real flipping smooth, Kieran thought to himself. "[color=0076a3]How did your meeting go today with the president?[/color]" Kieran picked up a small pale from underneath the tabel with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. The ice in the pale had turned to water but the wine was still cooled. "[color=0076a3]Drink?[/color]" Cori's eyes sharpened at him, eyebrows furrowing as she hesitantly picked up the pack. It was definitely an odd thing to say, but the question surprised her even more. "[color=lightpink]How'd you know who I met with?[/color]" she asked, sitting back and crossing her arms, clearly uninterested in the wine after that. Kieran did not show any emtion. He poured two drinks and set Cori's glass in front of her plate. "[color=0076a3]Excellent vintage. Recieved it as a gift from an arabic embassador. And I didnt know, you just confirmed it. I guessed. You just obtained the extremley important flash drive. You are a high ranking CIA agent. The flash drive contained some....unique info. Wasnt hard to guess, but I didnt know.[/color]" Her cheeks warmed and she sighed, glancing away. Kieran was young, but perceptive and his actions spoke to the experience despite his age. It annoyed her, and--for a moment--she could sympathize with all those people she surpassed within the CIA. She was just a know-it-all brat, and she could feel her new rank weighing on her shoulders especially in this moment. Silently, she accepted the drink he poured for her. The wine was quickly downed and the empty cup set aside in only a moment. "[color=lightpink]So,[/color]" she sighed, looking for a topic about anything but her and that whole day. "[color=lightpink]Learn anything while I was away?[/color]" Kieran raised an eyebrow, then filled Cori's glass again and left the bottle on the table. Kieran drained his glass, then took a small bite of his food, suprised that it wasnt total garbage. "[color=0076a3]Not really. I havent done much. Accepted some work in the city, I bought a store. I do have a few things on my plate though. Someone has started sending me work, someone who apparently knows me from my past. Before that, I started investigating that super powered psycho who sent my associate to the hospital. Then there was that whole harley quinn thing. So did the president believe you about alien and super powers? Let me guess you have a task force?[/color]" "[color=lightpink]I don't even think I believe me about the aliens,[/color]" she complained. Though she followed his example and took a bite of the food, figuring she shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. The small pout of the lips and nod of approval was about the closest thing to a compliment Kieran would get, and she took another bite. Especially with Kieran, she figured she shouldn't be drinking wine on an empty stomach. Her thoughts were already a little too delayed and she scowled. "[color=lightpink]What's a Harley Quinn?[/color]" Kieran shrugged. "[color=0076a3]Something some crazy women called herself. I think its a fictional characters name. She made a video of kidnapping and killing the mayors daughter and her roomate or something. I will be honest I heard of it all last second, I was preoccupied. But one thing is clear she is desperate to meet the psycho who put my associate in the hospital. Like, insane love at first sight. She is crazier than him, and she wants to be his queen. And God save anyone who disrespects the queen I guess. You avoided the question, was I right about the task force?[/color]" "[color=lightpink]I can't talk about it with you,[/color]" she stated. Kieran shrugged. "[color=0076a3]So I was right. You know its going to be a short conversation if you like that.[/color]" Kieran poured himself another glass, and drained half of it. "[color=0076a3]Im not gonna spill anything. Think of it....as a game. You ask me something, I ask you something.[/color]" Cori sighed and punched at the bridge of her nose. "[color=lightpink]But it's not a game, Kieran. I'm not like you. I have allegiances and loyalties here. I can't just..spill information to you over a game,[/color]" she snapped, sitting back and away from her plate. "[color=lightpink]You don't get it because you're freelance, but some of us are taking this thing seriously, okay? Lives are at stake and already being lost.[/color]" Kieran froze, not so much suprised by her reaction but caught off guard. Similiar in nature but two different things. Kieran remembered this was why he chose not to interact when he was not on mission. People were so diffucult to.....interact with, especially those with [i]codes[/i]. "[color=0076a3]I wasnt asking for state level secrets you know.[/color]" Kieran took his fork and flipped it once in the air, letting it land on the tip of his finger, balancing it. "[color=0076a3]One, I offered my services to you, which is in turn the CIA, free. Two, I am sorry but did I say I didnt have alliegances? You just assumed I didnt. Im a freak now, and my fellow freaks are going to be hunted soon. I want to try to save as many innocent freaks as possible. Three, Ive worked CIA missions before. I am sure you have done many things good for your country and job, but who do you think has had to do the dirty jobs so you can do the nice jobs? Im not asking for a thank you, but being a free lance means I can help as many people do the good jobs and sleep at night. Its not why I do it, but its an after effect.[/color]" Kieran drained his half glass and took another bite. He wa starting to feel quite a little tipsy. Cori's scowl deepened. Her fingers tapped anxiously at her bicep and she looked around the house. It would be dangerous to venture into the conversation about Empowereds with Kieran, so while she would've loved to argue, she hesitated. She could still use him and despite his freelance status, he has been willing and open. And she wasn't all bad: she felt the guilt in a small pocket of her mind for thinking of him in such a way. But, she had chosen her loyalties long ago and he wasn't in that picture. "[color=lightpink]What exactly are your plans, then?[/color]" she asked. "[color=lightpink]For this whole mess?[/color]" "[color=0076a3]Well my options are limited right now arent they? I have no intel, no backup, no anything. I cant accept any high end contracts because I cant leave the city, and my one point of interest,[/color]" Kieran said pointing at Cori"[color=0076a3], Continues to treat me like I am the enemy. I mean what do you think I wanna burn he CIA down? No. Good organization, does a hella lot more good than it does bad. But.......I guess I am sorry. I realize your very.......work involved and I didnt mean to push you.[/color]" At his apology, she visibly realxed: her shoulders lowered and she uncrossed arms to pick at the pasta again. "[color=lightpink]I just need to be careful,[/color]" she explained. "[color=lightpink]The Coalition agent you killed--it was [i]my[/i] fault he was a part of the retrieval team to begin with, and he just...murdered my men. I can't just...[/color]" Her voice trailed off and she shook her head, and she sighed, reaching for the wine glass again. This time taking only a sip before sitting up again and taking another bite of food. "[color=lightpink]Whatever, you get it. If you want to help, identifying more of the Empowered who have been fucking up Atlanta would be appreciated,[/color]" she said, her tone not nearly as sharp as it had been earlier. "[color=lightpink]From what I can tell, most of them are hiding their identities--most of the violent ones, anyway, and we really need to get them under control, first things first.[/color]" Kieran sighed. Well got out of the frying pan but he was still in the kitchen. Why he was in a kitchen, why he was in a frying pan, Kieran had no idea. But it seemed like work was a sensitive subject, and she was goal driven. The info about the agent he killed.....that was new. He had no idea that was a coalition agent. "[color=0076a3]Well.....If I was going to identify more....you called them Empowered? Hmmm, not bad. Ok so we are Empowered. Not bad at all. Some will fight back. I will need....as silly as this sounds.....better equipment to hide myself. Is there some way your CIA lab workers can make me a suit and something to hide my face? [/color]" Kieran knew it was risky to bring her work up again, but he had no choice. He could go in wearing his dress shirts, but he would be found out instantly after his first attempt."[color=0076a3]It would need to be resistant to the elements, and the face guard would need to block inhuman frequencies to prevent mind control. If I can get that, I can talk to them face to face and even make them an ally. We forge an alliance and stop Empowereds from using their powers for crime.[/color]" Kieran tapped his finger on the table. Then took a swig of his drink. "[color=0076a3]Also I should be able to locate more Coalition agents soon. I am working on a plan.[/color]" Cori kept her face straight, but she hadn't meant to call them for their new technical name in front of Kieran. When the sentiments against the supers came out, he'd know exactly where it started. But for now she just nodded. "[color=lightpink]We'll probably have new gear coming up pretty soon. Just send me your measurements and it'll be easy to get you a set.[/color]" She poked at her food and licked her lips with a sigh. "[color=lightpink]I think they want me focusing on the Empowered. But Coalition is the bigger threat--and the source of them anyway. I'm not going to ignore them, so thanks. What's the plan exactly?[/color]" She recalled that the president had mentioned Coalition had been on the radar for a while and she frowned. This whole situation probably could've been avoided if he had taken some initative against them a long time ago. Kieran frowned and could not meet Cori's eyes. "[color=0076a3]Honestly, I am going to steal something that could help me identify coalition agents.[/color]" Kieran poked at his food and sipped at his wine. He filled his glass and offered more to Cori."[color=0076a3]I swear it wont affect anyone in a bad way. I do the bad to help the good remember? But if this works I could have a pattern to snuff out any coalition agent. Once we identify who is who, we can take the fight to them and this war wont be so one sided.[/color]" Cori blinked and pulled her glass back to take a sip. She didn't need it topped off quite yet. "[color=lightpink]Where are you stealing the intel from? I could help,[/color]" she offered. Kieran looked literally anywhere else besides at Cori but tried to make it look like he was avoiding her eyes. "[color=0076a3]Its ok really. Let me handle this part. You just need to be the one to take the credit for finding the agents. No way woudl they accept a free lancers word. Well...ok maybe they would take my word considering what Ive done for the CIA but probably not.[/color]" She wanted to press, but she held herself back: she was keeping quite a bit from Kieran, and pressing him for answers too hard wouldn't be fair. And it wasn't so much the fairness she cared about, but she wasn't quite willing to share in return if he was already helping by getting the names of Coalition agents. "[color=lightpink]Keep me updated on them. They tried to kill me and they can bet I'll return the damn favor,[/color]" she grumbled before stuffing her mouth with food. Kieran picked up his glass and motioned at Cori. "[color=0076a3]I told you, I wanted to be close by because of something like that. I knew Coalition was gonna come after you.[/color]" Kieran took another sip of his drink, fully feeling the devils nectar now. "[color=0076a3]But I have to say, vengeful you is......well...not bad at all. Brings out the color of your eyes.[/color]" Cori blinked and glanced away with a shrug. "[color=lightpink]I hate the color,[/color]" she said. Then she sighed and fixed her hair, not quite sure where to take the coversation. They covered plenty, and she knew to look into some Harley Quinn video... So she pursed her lips, growing quiet and awkward again. Kieran mentally face palmed. Kieran, he thought to himself, you moron. Kieran thought for a moment then used his index finger, he tugged on his dress shirt, slightly unbuttoned, until you could see a small patch of skin right belowe his collar bone. On that small patch of skin was a mark, in the shape of a strange symbol in deep red and black. It almost looked like a cross between a pentagram and a star. "[color=0076a3]When I was a child, my...father...branded me with this mark. He said, boy this will teach you pain. I thought he meant physical pain but after he branded me, he made go shirtless for almost a month, making everyone who saw me see it. For awhile the skin was damaged and it it made my chest look really ugly. But.....now it s a part of me. I take pride in it. I am unique in this way, well I am now. My fathers family is all gone so I am the only one with this mark.[/color]" Kieran let go of his shirt. He looked Cori in the eyes. "[color=0076a3]Basically what I am trying to say is......you shouldnt hate any part of you. I think.....it looks good but you should also. Your unique. Better.[/color]" Cori watched him and swallowed, attention on the brand. "[color=lightpink]Kieran, I'm sorry that happened...[/color]" she started, but paused when he looked at her again, wrapping up his point. She sat there for a moment, eyes finding something else to occupy their attention as she thought. Then she sighed again and picked up her glass to swirl the wine inside. "[color=lightpink]Thanks. It's a killer on your eyesight, though, you know. I'm one of the best shots in the agency. It's not better, but..I guess it shows I work harder to get to where I am sometimes.[/colr]" She nodded, satisifed, and took another sip. Kieran nodded. He thought on it for a moment then finished his what was left on his plate. "[color=0076a3]Huh. Good to know, in case you ever get tired of me and decide to hunt me down huh.[/color]" Kieran took a sip of his wine, words ever so slightly slurred. "[color=0076a3]What is your weapon of choice? I prefer something silent, something quick to the draw and doesnt need a ton of stoppin power. But thats me.[/color]" Kieran wiped his mouth off with his napkin. "[color=0076a3]Maybe next time we do this we go to the shooting range. Would love to see your grip and aim.[/color]" Cori nodded, a teasing smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "[color=lightpink]Yeah, I could teach you a few things, I guess,[/color]" she said, glancing at him before taking another sip. She set the glass down in exchange for her fork again and took another bite. "[color=lightpink]But...I like range. It's easy to confront another person with a powerful pistol or shotgun.. But there's satisifaction behind the patience and [i]skill[/i] it takes to kill from a half mile away. They don't even see it coming.[/color]" Kieran raised an eyebrow and smiled. Obviously, no intention of hiding the pleasure of the moment. "[color=0076a3]Killing from a distance is fine and does take the right amount of skill. But you put yourself at such a......disadvantage for the future. Patience I am well versed in, but when the time is right wouldnt you want to know for a fact the job is done. Getting...[i]up close and personal[/i] allows you to show your skills and confirm for yourself you have done the job. Sometimes you get dirty......but I am not afraid to get dirty.[/color]" Cori nodded a little, watching him. Her lips parted like she was going to say something, but she decided against it and poked at her food instead. "[color=lightpink]Spoken like a true freelancer,[/color]" she said lightly with a teasing roll of her eyes. Kieran feigned hurt. He put his hand to his forehead and closed his eyes. "[color=0076a3]Oh how you have wounded me so. Happy dagger pierce me true, sheathe yourself inside my heart.[/color]" Kieran laughed gently. "[color=0076a3]Too cruel. That coming from the cold hearted government women.[/color]" Cori shook her head and finished her glass of wine; it had helped but it didn't quite erase Verdock from her mind. "[color=lightpink]Well. This was...oddly pleasant,[color]" she complimented (kind of). "[color=lightpink]But I should...[/color] She paused and sighed, eyes closing in irritation. "[color=lightpink]I can't drive home like this,[/color]" she realized, scowling at the empty glass of wine. Kieran realized he was in the same boat and was in no condition to drive her home. "[color=0076a3]You can spend the night here. The sheets are clean, and there is a shower with new utilities. I am in the same boat I cant drive in my current state.[/color]" Kieran checked the nearly empty bottle of wine. "[color=0076a3]If you do stay In have better stuff than this.[/color]" "[color=lightpink]I don't need more to drink,[/color]" she assured. "[color=lightpink]But it does look like I'm stuck here, so thanks.[/color]" She thought for a moment, as best she could in that moment. Nothing having much else to add and wanting to avoid on another awkward silence on her fault, she cleared her throat. "[color=lightpink]I'll take the bed then, thanks,[/color]" she said before getting up. Kieran stood up, slower than he would have prefered. "[color=0076a3]Yea go ahead.[/color]" Kieran walked over to Cori, slightly wobbly, and stood in front of her."[color=0076a3]Goodnight.[/color]" Thats when Kieran made it weird. Kieran wasnt sure what to do next. He almost went for a handshake, but nearly withdrew his hand. Then opened his arms, for hug maybe he didnt know. Then he went to just pat a shoulder but did not touch her. Kieran blushed slightly and rubbed his neck with his other hand. Then he chuckled. God he was dumb. Kieran wasnt sure what to do. Cori watched him make a fool of himself, and covered her lips to suppress the giggle. "[color=lightpink]Goodnight,[/color]" she returned. She would walk past him to find the bed, and "accidently" and quite rudely bump into him as she left the room. Kieran blushed madly, and almost turned his head as she left. But he controlled himself. Kieran walked over to his desk, and sat down in his chair. Kieran laid his head down on his desk and thought about every detail he could remember about the night.