[color=ed1c24][h1] Catherine Lillasteen, the Assasin[/h1][/color] [@Overlord24][@canaryrose][@DriveEMOut][@Nikki Moonlight] Catherine carefully untied the cloth that covered her mouth and dropped it to the floor. She chuckled darkly and bowed to mock the royals as they knew her as a servent. She comes back up and says with a cold hard voice as she looks to Avary, [color=ed1c24]"Well if I'm honest the reason I did this is because if I didn't I would die. So I guess it's much easier to kill then be killed, am I right?!"[/color] She rolled her shoulders and gave Avary a crazy smile. Her eyes danced with hunger to Levi and the dying princess. Levi has tears streaming down his face making him look like a kid. [color=ed1c24]"Pathetic. Stop crying and move prince!"[/color] Catherine growls as she attempts to push Levi to the side by kicking hi's ribs. She then takes out a dagger and reaches for the princess hand in a one quick motion. The dagger starts to go up her arm softly then she pushes harder into the delicate skin.