Juni laughs a bit shaking her head."That was probably the first time I have heard some one say that but alright.." She says. Juni visibly winced when Rhage spoke of her now deceased family. Turns to the other male come in and smiled kindly at him and wave before trying to turn herself invisible as they spoke. She looks at Noah who was looking at her as if she had given him the best present ever. Juni knew what she was doing when she said just use her name. She smiles at Noah giving him a nod of the head before he left making her laugh at how happy it seemed. Juni was slowly starting to like this place more and more. She had grabbed Rhage 's hand when he offered it and let him lead her to the bathroom smiling at his joke. Despite his looks he's actually had a very good sense of humor and Juni couldn't help but like him for it. Juni had been very excited when she saw the tub. Finally she can get clean and relax- Then a woman came to them screaming about somebody killing some one else and she almost let a curse out when the female did. Juni prayed that RHage wouldn't leave Juni with the woman then he was gone. She sighs before looking at the woman. Far to pretty to be crying and being sad. "It ain't your fault." She says softly using the same voice she would use on the horses to calm them down from their panicking states." As far from what I know of our men he made ya cry. And to be honest who ever 'he' is shouldn't have made ya cry if anyone is at fault her its 'he'." Juni says hugging the girl in a side hug. "Rhage, is there he'll stop Vischous from harmin' 'he'." She says [@belle]