Name:: Danny Ellis Age:: 15 Gender:: Male Country of Origin:: America Role:[color=39b54a]11th Vongola lightning guardian[/color] Flame::[color=39b54a] Lightning (Fulmine)[/color] Weapon/Fighting Style: Bo staff/bojutsu Appearance:: [hider][img][/img][/hider] TYL [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality:: While generally laid back Danny hates losing and when he is beaten in something important, can become obsessed with improving himself for a rematch. That said he refuses to cheat, though he has no issues with bending the rules from time to time. He also has a tendency to only speak when he feels like he has something to say, not out of shyness or anything he simply prefers not to talk too much. History:: While Danny grew up in America, his mother was born in Italy and had quite a few family members who were low ranking members of the Vongola Family, something that neither she or her son know. Due to the fact that both of his parents had busy jobs, Danny spent a lot of his with his paternal grandparents when he was younger. This was what caused his interest in bojutsu as his grandfather used to be a practitioner of it and sometimes showed some simple tricks to his grandson. Eventually when he was 13 Danny picked up the martial art himself. A couple of months ago Danny ran into trouble with a group of bullies who ended beating him up. Knowing her son's personality and that he would try to return the favor to them, his mother arranged things so that he could stay with her parents in Italy for a while and hopefully calm down. Other:: Is allergic to and scared of bees.