[u][b]Argent Glyter, Son of Aurum Glyter[/b][/u] [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] Checkbook, smug looks, and a Saturday-night Special [b]Personality:[/b] Aloof and often afraid, Argent was not trained for the roll he finds himself in. But the collapse of the Glyter household is slowly hardening him to meet the challenges of the future. [b]:Brief Background:[/b] Argent Glyter is the second child of the Glyter dynasty, son of the fabled Aurum and his late [i]shellan[/i] Lustra Glyter. The Glyter dynasty holds the distinction of being the chief jewellers among the vampire aristocracy. Their wealth and power arose not from blood or divinity, but from leveraging the close ties they cultivated with the different families against one another in the deadly games played by the aristocracy. If a female is wearing any sort of jewelry at a Glymera function that is not of human design, it is undoubtedly of Glyter make. The firstborn child of the household, Adamant, has been on a lengthy hiatus from Glymera life ever since the ascension of Wrath, son of Wrath to the throne of the race. Officially, he is away studying modern human jewelcrafting techniques to modernize the family holdings. Unofficially, Argent knows not where Adamant has gone and Aurum did not seem to care of late- only acknowledging that the lad had a bone to pick with everyone and everything in their world, and caused them nothing but trouble. With the death of his [i]shellan[/i] Lustra on the birthing bed, Aurum slowly spiraled into obsessing over his work, building more and more glorious pieces while taking on fewer commissions. Argent took it upon himself to manage the family estate not long after his lengthy and painful Transition, but without his father's guiding hand to help, he has been steering the household to an organized crash rather than smooth sailing. Many Dogen have been released from service, excepting only their chief butler Reyd and his [i]shellan[/i], Venus. Their summer home has been sold to humans. And all the while the Glymera snickers and laughs at the descent of the Glyter family back to lowly tradesmen. The Raids saw to the end of his father- too wrapped up in his work to notice the stench of baby powder overpowering his shop, the man was choked by a length of silver chain until the life in his eyes was snuffed out. Argent survived in the family's panic room with the rest of the staff, but the death of the patriarch has sealed the fate of the Glyter family. And now, with the dissent of the Glymera becoming more and more open, he's heard talk of his brother Adamant's return... [Note: I'll try to find an image when able, can't at this time.]