[quote=@Rin] Well my character was going to be female either way, so... XD Unless I ended up with Yellow, in which case they'd end up being a girlish-looking boy as an in-joke but yeah. Kind of tempted to do Pink as a tomboyish girl, but I'm fine with any colour really. Just noting that they're most likely going to be a girl I guess. XD [/quote] Feel Free! You want one of the girls you got them! [quote=@SoleAccord] I hear ya. Okay, so we stumble upon Zordon or his child somehow, rather than Zordon being notified of Rita's escape from the dumpster, and he chooses us based on coincidence? Do we choose to defend others rather than free from a putty attack of some kind? Etc, etc. I got ideas, just need to know what you may be looking for. I don't really like destiny as a plot device. [/quote] This is usually why I ask for input in the Interest Check. When people ask me questions it usually helps me in my thought process and decision making because I don't always ask myself the right questions. So here we go. I don't like using Destiny as a plot device. So here's my idea, basically what'll appear in my opening post for story purposes. By sheer coincidence the group that will become the power rangers are out and about and somehow find what is basically an ancient alien spaceship. It's been dormant for about 10,000 years. Probably hidden in a mountain, or something, if it's in the desert like in the show, it could have just been buried. Like deep. But why would they be in the desert? So I figure, a camping trip or something, maybe school based. They separate from the group and whilst fucking around they end up at the ship. Instead of leaving, let's check it out more. Bust in cause obviously ship doors are all types of fucked up. But the real stuff doesn't go down until somebody accidentally powers it up. Or purposely, maybe they were deliberately trying to do that because why not? They're teens. They do that shit. Anyway, while power it up, they a small group of Zedd/Rita loyalists pick up a signal from the ship. this ship houses the key to free their masters and continue their conquest of the universe, which was thwarted by (deciding on the child of Zordon now) Zordon Jr.'s father. Obviously he's gonna get his own name. But while everything going down, he wakes up, probably kicks them out or at least tries before he is alerted of the approaching enemy. Way it's going, I figure it's a choice. They can say they'll help, try to run or whatever. What each character decides will effect how the first battle goes. And from their, we either continue to try and stop Zedd and Rita's release, most likely we'll fail, or they get released and we push them back while they're in a weakened state.