[@Sombrero]Here's a character for you to look over. Don't worry about the name, he's not intentionally a parody of any real life person. [hider=Ivan the Terrible] Name: "Ivan the Terrible" Ivan Malakav Age: 33 Sex: Male Weight Class: Heavyweight Appearance: Ivan is a massive, hulking bear of a man, the epitome of the Russian strongman stereotype. His massive form is accented by his thick black head, body, and facial hair. He towers over most opponents, and his hand is often as large as someone's head. He wears a wool greatcoat like many would wear a pre-fight robe, and underneath he dons a red wrestling singlet. Weight at 300 pounds, and stands at 6' 6" Martial Background: Ivan was trained in a weird conglomeration of both traditional and professional wrestling styles. Utilizing a combination of standard grapples and holds mixed with more showy punches, throws, hits, and weapon usage, his unique style is one that has stood the test of time, as he often adapts it to add moves from different time periods and dimensions. Signature Move: Sickle and Hammer - Ivan uses a throw to drape his opponent over the top rope, where he then pounds his two large fists together against their back, bouncing his opponent off of the ropes and causing them to slam into the mat. Finisher: Will of the People - Used when outside the ring, an ally of Ivan's disguised as an audience member holds Ivan's opponent as he wails on them with his fists, weapons, etc., then Ivan's ally delivers a final knockout blow. Favorite Weapon: Sledgehammer Heel/Face: Heel. Despite his constant displays of being 'The People's Champion', Ivan is notorious for turning on the Audience, especially after having gained their favor during a match. He loves to persuade the crowd to favor him, before revealing his 'Terrible' side, whether that be taking hostages from the crowd(they're always allies in disguise), insulting the crowd, or promising something during a debate, only to do the opposite once the time comes. Pre-Game history: Ivan was born during the early days of televised wrestling, and as he grew up became entranced with the athletic showcases of the sport, both traditional and professional. Learning traditional wrestling during school, Ivan would soon be taken under the wing of a famous member of the growing professional scene, adapting the fighting styles of both versions of the sport into his own unique showcases. When Ivan's career started, his Russian origins provided the company with the ability to spin him as a political antagonist, starting his career as a Heel. This would all culminate in his scouting by Managantamos as someone perfect for the Filibuster Federation. [/hider]