[hider=Mable] Name: Mable Age: 16 Starting Location: Stillwater Rank: Beginner Organization: Occupation: Baker Appearance: Red hair, 5'8, looks like my profile picture, but with an orange hat. Biography: Mable worked often as a baker unfortunately the business went under. Mable now is after her second goal to own her own business in the culinary world. Mable knew with prices so high that it would be hard to earn enough money to buy a business, If push comes to shove however Mable is certainly not above attending culinary school. Mable knew the wild Poliwag lived near her old bake shop. Mable's father had raised her to live in harmony with the nearby pokemon. An angry poliwrath would have been awful for business.In her youth Mable had swam often with the poliwag's trying to be more like them. When trainers battled them she hoped the small blue beauties would avoid them. Mable was swimming with them when her father had died. Mable returned to the bakery doing her best to keep it going. It was a downhill battle the bakery already in meager shape as they go down. Personality: Mable is fairly guilt ridden towards her pokemon, but driven to start up her business again. While easily frustrated is often the shoulder other people turn to. Mable is very careful and planning with her baking. While Mable is easily frustrated she will try her best to avoid hurting her pokemon leading her to be extremely wary of entering battles she can't win. Inventory-1 pokeball [/hider] [@Balthazar007]