[quote=@Demon Shinobi] This is usually why I ask for input in the Interest Check. When people ask me questions it usually helps me in my thought process and decision making because I don't always ask myself the right questions. So here we go. I don't like using Destiny as a plot device. So here's my idea, basically what'll appear in my opening post for story purposes. By sheer coincidence the group that will become the power rangers are out and about and somehow find what is basically an ancient alien spaceship. It's been dormant for about 10,000 years. Probably hidden in a mountain, or something, if it's in the desert like in the show, it could have just been buried. Like deep. But why would they be in the desert? So I figure, a camping trip or something, maybe school based. They separate from the group and whilst fucking around they end up at the ship. Instead of leaving, let's check it out more. Bust in cause obviously ship doors are all types of fucked up. But the real stuff doesn't go down until somebody accidentally powers it up. Or purposely, maybe they were deliberately trying to do that because why not? They're teens. They do that shit. Anyway, while power it up, they a small group of Zedd/Rita loyalists pick up a signal from the ship. this ship houses the key to free their masters and continue their conquest of the universe, which was thwarted by (deciding on the child of Zordon now) Zordon Jr.'s father. Obviously he's gonna get his own name. But while everything going down, he wakes up, probably kicks them out or at least tries before he is alerted of the approaching enemy. Way it's going, I figure it's a choice. They can say they'll help, try to run or whatever. What each character decides will effect how the first battle goes. And from their, we either continue to try and stop Zedd and Rita's release, most likely we'll fail, or they get released and we push them back while they're in a weakened state. [/quote] Okay, in the show I think the five were chosen because they were grouped at random. A field trip is viable, and it could even be related to archaeology or something involving earth science, studying geological related whatever-the-hell somewhere outside of Angel Grove. I don't know about camping trips in the middle of the desert though. It would rely on everyone happening to be friends at the time, rather than just classmates, and let me just say that I don't think everyone will click at the start. That's not always realistic. But, yeah, a trip of some kind and these five are grouped. I agree on the ship and powering it up, but the group must have gotten really far from the rest of the class to stumble into it like they did. I also agree with you on how things progress from there, with just a couple more questions. 1. Is Zordon alive and located on Earth, or imprisoned somewhere unknown? If he died, he wiped out all evil in the known galaxy at the time, so I think it's because of that that Rita and Zedd only wanted him imprisoned rather than killed. You can always retcon that bit of course. 2. Is this a continuity where previous Power Rangers did exist already, or is this the first group of rangers to appear on Earth? If so, that opens up the probability of Power Rangers existing outside of Earth, like the Space Rangers. I'll do the Black Ranger instead of Yellow, since there's been no interest as of yet. I'll work on a template when I can.