[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808090413/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png[/img] [h1][color=gold]Crimson[/color][/h1] (images contained in the links below) [url=http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/joeschmo1of3/JoeschmoBlog/2014-Summer-SchmoBlog/OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode6-LeoneTransforms_zpse40c612f.gif~original]Beast Master Transformation[/url] Large Picture Of [url=http://tsundora.com/image/2014/07/akame_ga_kill_44-914x1024.jpg]Crimson[/url][/center] Age: 16 History:Cee as her guardian nicknamed her is only called Crimson in her Beastmaster form was found deep in the wild lands of the equator roaming the canopy like the beasts there and hunting as they did as well with her own claws and teeth. Named crimson by the local people where she was found because any of their people who crossed her were soon painted crimson by their own blood. Her age is actually a best guess and her Guardian who is a medical magic practitioner spent the past two years teaching Cee how to read and write, do math and the other tasks needed so that she could learn civilized behavior in the normal fashion of teens from her peers. What your dream is: Cee dreams of one day traveling far and wide so that she can learn of every form of animal life including humans and supernatural beings What kind of magic your char has: Cee is a Beastmaster who is able to understand and speak to every animal she meets in her unaltered form but can transform into a Demoness of Pandemonium (Neko/Cat Girl) which grants her the ability command of any creature other than Primates; also if she touches any creature she can then transform into that beast but loses her ability to command while in any form other than her Demoness form. (This also covers any supernatural creature so long as they are of animal intelligence)